Last Day in London

We started the day at the cute bakery next to our hotel. Next, we headed off to Buckingham Palace to visit the Queen! It was very nice to get there so early because we were able to get right up to the gate. Then we headed to Abbey Road to reenact the Beatles album cover! It was very underwhelming because there were no markers, no stop light, and lots of traffic. Nonetheless, we stopped traffic to snap a picture!

Afterwards, we headed to Camden Market and spent a good chunk of time there. We got lunch and I was able to find some goodies to bring home for my family and friends. Then, we headed to Covent Gardens and stopped for coffee in the Public Transport Museum. That museum was really cool and was organized similarly to the tube map.

Overall, the day was a blast! But, I am sad to leave London.

Abbey Road Photoshoot
Photographer: Gabriel Gerstner

Free day around the city

Abbey Road

Buckingham Palace Gate

Today I woke up to find it was snowing pretty hard despite it being 56 degrees yesterday. After bundling up and grabbing breakfast at the cafe on the corner, we tubed over to Buckingham Palace. The building itself was so much bigger than I thought it would be and the gate was stunning. Next, we went up to Abbey Road. It was a little disappointing and underwhelming based on what I expected. The sign was sorta hiding and we weren’t sure if the crosswalk we saw was even it at first. We got a picture anyway and went up to Camden Market for some shopping. I bought a vintage camera from the 1930’s from one of the vendors and it was really great to have a lot of time to look through all the shops. Overall, it was fun to see a few things we wanted to before leaving to go to the hotel and pack.


A good portion of Tuesday was spent in the bus; however, it was still a nice day. Getting to the bus by 7am was a struggle, but it was well worth it. Our first stop was at Stonehenge. While we walked up to the site, I realized that those rocks were just as massive – if not more – than I had imagined. I am not entirely sure what it is about Stonehenge that interests me so much, but I think part of it has to do with the mystery or simply unknown details behind it. While many people have their own ideas of how the stones were transported there or maybe even why that spot was specifically chosen, we really do not know all of the answers to these questions. We only had about 45 minutes to look at the stones and go through the visitor center, but I spent my entire time at the stones. Also, we took a moment to take an OHIO photo in front of the stones. A sketch was not required, but I also decided to do one of those simply because I have found that I pay much more attention to details when I do these sketches. I think the sketch and the photo help show how massive these rocks are. Thankfully it did not rain, and we quickly set out for Stourhead. I was not sure what to expect of stourhead, but it was far more beautiful than I thought. Even though it was all manmade, it still was really nice to walk through. Some of my favorite parts were the different types of trees (I love trees) and the stone walkways/rooms like the grotto and the one on the way to Apollo’s Temple. Our day ended in Salisbury where we saw the Salisbury Cathedral and walked through the town.

OHIO at Stonehenge