Aimee’s Bio

Three words to describe myself: teacher, mother, traveler.

I was born in Venezuela and moved to Ohio when I was 4 where my mom says I learned English from Seasame Street (and of course my bilingual mom). I have 2 younger sisters and love cats, especially black ones. I’m a double alumnae of OSU, with undergraduate and Masters degrees in architecture. I started teaching  at OSU when I graduated and started the first spring break study abroad (to London) and so fortunate to have traveled with many students to London (eight times), Barcelona, Netherlands, Rio, Italy and Santiago! I have been teaching at OSU for 17 years and am very fortunate to have a job that I love and have a passion to do. I also teach classes in sustainability ( Arch 2220), intro architecture/landscape architecture (Arch/LArch 2300) and Exploring Columbus  (Arch 4880) . I am a STEP mentor and faculty advisor for Visible Invisble student group supporting homeless youth in Columbus. My research includes ongoing projects on the designers (architects and landscape architects) of Brazil, and Columbus, OH architecture.

My life outside of teaching is filled with family, especially Ben and Quinn which you will hear about from time to time. They are lovely, smart and beautiful little beings and amazing to have in our life.

My favorites are: the sound of the ocean, my feet in the sand, El Arepatzo, Smashing Pumpkins, yoga, traveling, pink peonies, Audrey Hepburn, black cats, sketching, London and snuggling with my little ones.

I look forward to traveling with you all and showing you my favorite city of London!

Aimee’s favorite tree in London

Mark, Ben, Quinn and Aimee

ivy’s bio

I’m Ivy Song. I’m from Nanjing, China. I used to be a math major but I transfer to architecture this semester. So I am second year in OSU, but first year in architecture. I was really lost when I was in math major, because I have no idea what kind of job I would want to do in the feature. After attending an architecture class, I found architecture really interesting, so I transferred to Architecture major.

I like music, reading, movies, and traveling. One of my dreams is to travel around the world. So I am really excited about visiting London. I’d like to see amazing architecture and different culture in London. I know London has been an ancient city and has great history, but I am also interesting to learn the modern side of London. I am really looking forward to visit the St. Paul’s Cathedral. Last semester, when I taking arch2300, St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of my favorite architects. Also I would love to see many contemporary architectures, like Swiss Re Building, London City Hall. It is my first time to go to an European country, and first time travel with foreign friends, so I am so excited.

ivy’s selfie

Elena’s bio

Hi everyone!! My name is Elena, and I am a freshman in architecture major. I am from Yangzhou, in the east coast of China, a city near Shanghai. It is a beautiful city. I really enjoy travelling with my families, and explore different architecture in the world. In the past few years, we went to Hong Kong, Beijing, Thailand, Saipan, Germany. I stayed in Canada for three years for my high school. Before I studied abroad, I played piano and drum for years. I like photography, sketching, and play basketball. I am very interested of the architecture, studios, and dessert in London.

I first learned about architecture when I read “The Memoirs of Lin Huiyin.” The autobiographical book was written by the wife of Liang Sichen, one of China’s greatest 20th century architects. He dedicated his life to studying and protecting ancient Chinese architecture, playing an influential role in the development of modern Beijing. Prior to World War II, he even wrote a booklet about ancient national architecture and provided it to the government, who subsequently made sure that the valuable architectural heritages were not bombed. Reading about Liang, I realized that as an architect, I can contribute to cultural heritage and protect valuable national treasures. Later, while volunteering at the Shengji Art School for Orphans, I continued to develop my passion for architecture.

in beijing

in canada

Dan’s Bio

Hello everybody,

My name is Daniel Phillips, I am a third year in the Landscape Architecture major with an interest in Horticulture and Architecture. I was born in Akron, Ohio and lived there for ten year and moved to Medina, Ohio, a town about 45 minutes outside of Cleveland(so I consider myself a Clevelander). Both sides of my family are of Romanian Heritage which I hold very close to my heart. I have always wanted to travel and London is one of my top cities to visit. The one thing I look forward to while visiting London is to see not only how the people live differently but also how the horticulture of the city is different than the ones in the United States. Because of this I am looking most forward to learning and visiting Stourhead and Hyde Park and studying the plantings of the parks and gardens. With this interest in Horticulture and Architecture I plan to pursue my masters degree in Architecture and incorporating both into designs to make a more enjoyable experience through landscape and architecture. I hope that this trip is a start to my great travels to learn about the different landscapes and architecture of the world.

Ally’s Bio

Hello Everyone! My name is Ally Lammert and I am a first-year student majoring in Architecture and minoring in Arts Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised just 20 minutes north of campus in Westerville. So basically, I was born and raised to bleed scarlet and grey. It was always in the cards for me to end up at The Ohio State University to get my degree.

My hobbies are reading and drawing. I am constantly doodling or reading a book (and yes, I am the person who somehow reads multiple books at once). My two favorite places are unique bookstores and art shops, I can spend hours there. These hobbies of mine actually allowed me to find my passion for architecture when I was 9 years old. It sprung from my love of design, art, and literature that most of my life is centered around.

I have always wanted to visit London, so this is a dream come true for me to finally get to go. I can’t wait to finally experience the diverse architecture and culture of the city. I am so eager to do and see absolutely everything London has to offer and it’s because of this that I can’t choose what I’m most excited for! I hope to go see Oxford while on the trip. The University has always been an interest for me, so it will be amazing to finally get to see it in person.

I look forward to an amazing time in class and in London!

Simon’s Bio

My name is Simon.

I am a second-year graduate student in the Master of Architecture program and work as a graduate assistant involved with Knowlton’s building structure courses. I earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Akron in 2016 and completed EI certification in my time between graduating and beginning my studies at Ohio State. I have worked in the field of structural engineering while an undergraduate student, performing design and drafting work in the telecommunications sector. My work primarily involved designing and producing construction drawings for cell tower modifications and reinforcements in steel, and I also helped to design concrete foundations, site plans, antenna connections and reinforcements for failing buildings.

I enjoy learning about contemporary art and the progression of art history from modern art to that of today. I am an avid consumer of music, and the musicians’ work I have liked most recently includes that from: Converge, Bjork, Say Anything, Charli XCX, Chopin, Mogwai, Autechre, Radiohead and Elliott Smith among many others. I also enjoy driving cars, fishing, building models and woodworking.

As I am interested in the confluence of architecture and engineering, I am looking forward to seeing various works by designers of the high-tech architecture movement, such as Foster and Rogers. Denton Corker Marshall’s field of columns and canopy for the Stonehenge visitor center should be interesting to investigate. The Tate Modern is one of the best opportunities around the world to view major works by contemporary artists, and the turbine hall along with H&deM’s new addition will be exciting architectural experiences. The opportunity to visit an architecture firm’s office will certainly be valuable as well. The city itself will likely be a fitting place to view street art and practice street photography.


Tracey’s Bio

Hello everyone!

My name is Tracey Lindsey and I am a third year from Jeffersonville, Indiana. I am a Strategic Communications major with a Legal Foundations of Society minor. My hobbies include writing, dancing, and listening to music. While my major has nothing to do with architecture, being around my sister, who is an architecture student, and seeing some of her work has peaked my interest in the subject matter. I believe that gaining knowledge of countries and cities outside of your own is extremely important and necessary in any field.


This will be my first real trip abroad and I am excited to explore the city and learn about the culture. Some of the sites in particular that I am looking forward to seeing are St. Paul’s Cathedral and and the Tate Modern. I remember learning about St. Paul’s Cathedral in high school and thought it would interesting to see this structure in person. It is easy to get caught up in the rich history of London but I am excited to see more modern aspects of London in addition to the historical sites. I believe that this class and the trip will help me to gain a greater appreciation for different styles of architecture and the role that architecture can play in shaping a city.  


Me near the Washington Monument

Kevin’s Bio

My name is Kevin and I am a junior at Ohio State pursuing a bachelor degree in architecture. I am of Chinese and Korean descent on my dad’s side and Cambodian and French from my mom’s side. I was born in Vietnam when my parents worked abroad. Growing up in a culturally diverse family gave me many opportunities to travel as a kid.

Growing up, I was the kid that had a lot of energy one minute and out of it the next. I was hit a by a car and had a severe traumatic brain injury. It caused my body to function on a different schedule than everyone else, but it did not stop me from doing the things I want in life. I learned to play the violin to calm myself down and relax my body and end up playing in the school’s Concert, Symphonic, and Chamber Orchestra. I joined the swim team and tennis team to improve my health, and I learned French so I can understand my family when they gossip or if they want to hide something.

My journey began in Vietnam and it took me across half of the continent of Asia before returning home to the United States. Living abroad and traveling a lot growing up allowed me to walk through temples and shrines that has been around for thousands of years and see the historical surrounding city transition into a modern high-rise metropolis. My top three favorite destinations in Asia are: Ho Chi Min City, Seoul and Tokyo. I am excited to go to London because it will be my first time abroad in ten years and it will give me the opportunity to improve on my sketching skills. I look forward to learning about the architecture, history, monarchs and much more in London and most importantly, with a fantastic group of people! There are many great architecture I look forward to see in person, but I am most excited to see Zaha Hadid’s London Aquatic Center and possibly visiting her firm and the AA School campus. My goal is to travel to at least 20 different countries before turning 30 and England will be number 11 on my list.

Photos I took in HCMC back in 2007

Jaime’s Bio

Hello! My name is Jaime Schmotzer and I am a second year student majoring in City and Regional Planning with a minor in Architecture. I was born and raised in Canton, Ohio and recently moved to Akron, Ohio this past summer. Some of my hobbies include reading, baking, knitting, and watching movies.

I have been to multiple cities across the country and really enjoy traveling, but I had the opportunity to go to France when I was in high school and that trip really inspired me to travel more outside of the country. I have been interested in British culture especially, and I think this class will be a great way to not only study this culture, but also get to experience it first-hand. I chose this trip specifically because I am interested in history and historic preservation, as well as sustainability and I think London is a city that combines both of those ideas very successfully.

I am most excited to see St. Paul’s Cathedral because I have learned about it in some of my classes and I find it really fulfilling to see what I have studied in class. I am also excited to see Stonehenge just because it is so famous and unusual.

A picture I took of the Eiffel Tower in France

Melissa’s Bio

Hi, everyone! My name is Melissa, but I also go by Mel. I was raised with three other sisters in Gahanna, Ohio, a suburb northeast of Columbus. My family was a buckeye family from the start, so I always knew I wanted to go to Ohio State.

Even though I knew I wanted to come to OSU, I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career. I tried out civil engineering and architecture; however, I am now a third year majoring in mechanical engineering with a minor in architectural studies. I ended up with the minor because took a couple architecture classes last spring and absolutely loved them.

While being at Ohio State, I have realized I have a love for exploring and traveling. I went on a trip last spring break to the Everglades and the Ten Thousand Islands. We spent the week living out of our kayaks while kayaking from island to island each day. It was a difficult but amazing trip, and I knew that I wanted to do something just as exciting this year. During my previous architecture classes, I heard about the opportunity to study abroad. After learning that this class had some focus on sketching and was also in a country I have never seen, I knew I would love it.

I have always loved all things related to art, including painting, drawing, working with clay, but I have found that charcoal is my favorite. I enjoy watching and playing just about any sport with volleyball being my favorite. I also am a lover of exploring the outdoors and playing the piano. I recently became interested in photography, so I am most excited to get to sketch and photograph London.

Sea Kayaking Trip, March 2017

A Photo of Me With My Favorite Animal in the Dominican Republic, December 2016

Christianna’s Bio

Hi everyone! My name is Christianna Dyer and I am a Sophomore majoring in finance with minors in architectural studies and Spanish. I’m from Dayton, Ohio where I’ve lived downtown and also in a suburb known as Kettering. My hobbies include film photography, fashion design, and vintage clothing collecting/ selling. In my free time, I enjoy seeing movies with friends, going to concerts and music festivals, and going to local art shows.

I’m really interested in sustainability and have started studying for the LSAT to hopefully pursue law school to study environmental law. I’m a proud member of the USG’s sustainability committee, and I am also going to be a student member on the Panel for OSU’s Ecosystem Services Goal. I also participate as an intern with Defend Our future, as a student in the Arts Scholars program, and a recipient of the ASH Scholarship Program.

I’m really excited to travel to London this year! I loved traveling with Aimee last spring break to Santiago, and I know that this trip will be just as amazing. I’m most excited to visit Stonehenge and also ride the London Eye. In my free time, I want to visit the sustainable buildings from the Olympics and also take a look at the sustainable transportation systems.  I’m excited to learn more about everyone!

Santiago, Chile Trip SP17

Patrick Sardo’s Bio

Hi all! My name is Patrick, and I’m from Coventry, Connecticut, a small town not far from University of Connecticut. I’m a second year architecture student, but this is my third year at Ohio State. I am also a member of Ohio State’s Varsity Rifle Team. I started off at Ohio State hoping to be a mechanical engineering major, but that didn’t work out, so I switched to architecture, which I think is the right fit for me! Obviously I really like architecture, but my other interests include music, fashion, art, and video games.

I love to travel, but I have only ever left the US once. I went to Italy with my mom and brother over Thanksgiving 2016. We went to Florence, Rome, San Gimignano, Pisa, and Sienna. It was amazing to see architecture in person that I’ve studied so much, which is why I’m also very excited for this trip to London.

I’m most excited to really immerse myself in the city of London, and experience the cultural differences, and explore the architecture and city itself. Since I have traveled to cities like Florence and Rome, which both have such a deep and rich history in art and architecture, I know how significant London is in that respect. I’m also excited to get more experience sketching, and hope that I can hone that skill somewhat while I take this class and while I’m in London.

Smit’s Bio

My name is Smit Patel. I was born in the west of India. I was raised there till I was 13 and then moved to USA with parents for better work opportunities. I have lived in several cities in the following few years. I did my 8th grade in Florida, 9th in a small town of Virginia, and the rest in a larger town in Virginia. I moved to Ohio the second year of college and Ohio State third year of college.

I am a senior majoring in City and Regional planning and minoring in Architecture. Only recently I have realized that I am fascinated by architectural process and the different styles as learned in the Arch 2300. I enjoyed that class and look forward to learn about the building styles that are found in London. I don’t know much about London but a best friend is from there and is headed there again after his masters. I would love to meet up with him with deep knowledge of the city. Some of the places I have been are Toronto, Nepal, Mumbai, and Agra. Some of the hobbies I have include gaming, learning guitar, binge-watching shows, and star gazing, hiking, and eating.

Ellie Bennett’s Bio

Hi! My name is Ellie Bennett. I am a first year Architecture major and Engineering Sciences minor. I am from Wellesley, Massachusetts, twenty minutes outside Boston. I chose Ohio State over schools closer to home because of their architecture curriculum, the football, and the distance from Boston! Less than ten students from my high school have went to Ohio State , so I was excited to get out of the Northeast and meet new people.

In high school I was a varsity swimming and sailing athlete and a part of an acapella group. I also worked as a lifeguard and swim coach in the summers. In my free time I like to hangout with friends.

I love to travel and am really excited about being able to go to London. Two years ago, I went to Rome, Positano, and the Amalfi Coast in Italy. This trip was amazing and solidified my interest in the architecture and culture abroad. I am specifically excited to explore, take pictures, and sketch in London, as I did in Italy. Further, I am excited to see how the fashion, art, food, and tea differ from the United States. I really love finding the “underground” or lesser-known things in cities, and am excited to see interesting ones in London.

Roman Forum, Rome, Italy

Prom, May 2017


Nic’s Bio

Hi everyone! My name is Nic Siebenaller and I am a third year Computer Science and Engineering major and a Political Science minor. I am from Oregon, OH, a city just east of Toledo, OH. In my free time I enjoy binge watching shows, keeping up on current technology, cooking, and hanging out with friends.

Traveling has always been a passion of mine. Growing up, I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel to various places in the United States. This has made me enjoy planning trips, helping me learn more about the places I visit. I am excited about both learning more about London from the preparation we do in class as well as the experience abroad.

What I am excited to see while abroad is all the differences in culture between England and the United States. For example, the rich history that London offers compared to United States. The United States does not have as deep of history as a country as its counterpart. Additionally, I am interested in observing the differences in common practices, like driving on the left side of the road. I am also interested in seeing how the tea is over there.

The Ledge at Willis Tower in Chicago

Jenna Kline’s Bio

Hello! My name is Jenna Kline. I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, which is a small city in Northeast Ohio. My major is Industrial and Systems Engineering, specializing in Data Analytics and Optimization. I am also minoring in Business through the Integrated Business and Engineering Honors program. Although I am majoring in engineering, I’ve always been interested in architecture, and I’m very excited to learn more about it! I am also excited for the opportunity to work on improving my drawing skills.

In my free time, I love to do yoga, run, backpack, and try new recipes. I also love to travel! I’ve been lucky enough to participate in three travel abroad trips with Ohio State. So far I’ve traveled to India, Switzerland, and Greece. I have always wanted to visit London so I’m very excited for this trip! Some of my favorite books are Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes so visiting London has always been on my bucket list. In London, I am most looking forward to visiting the Gherkin, Westminster Palace, and Stonehenge. I am really interested in seeing how ancient and contemporary architecture come together in London.  I am also excited to try new foods and experience British culture.

Picture of my cat, Mitzy

Makayla Davis’ Bio

Hello, everyone! My name is Makayla Davis and I’m a freshman studying Landscape Architecture with a minor in African and African American Studies. My hobbies include ballroom dancing, drawing, drumming, and concert going.

My hometown is Amherst, Ohio, a very small town that I have lived in for my entire life. When I was younger, I was always tired of being stuck there, so it has been great living in Columbus for the past few months. The only traveling I have done outside of the U.S. was to Toronto (on the summer 2017 Servitecture trip). I can’t wait to expand my horizons even more and travel to London.

I am extremely excited for this class, and I cannot wait to learn even more about London’s architecture and landscape. I’m not the best at sketching architecture, so I’m glad that this class will help me learn how to sketch better and faster.

I am most excited to travel to London and experience a culture that I’ve studied for so many years. I’m so glad to be immersed in such a diverse global culture, studying subjects that I love. I can’t wait to travel with you all!

A senior photo

Terence (Keith) Nielsen’s Bio

Hello. My name is Terence Keith Nielsen and I go by my middle name Keith. Im am a first year enrolled into the Architecture program. I come from a small village called Spencerville in Northwest Ohio (outside of Lima.) Some of my hobbies include; playing video games, building furniture, soccer, and hanging out with friends.

I am most excited about getting out and exploring Architecture first hand. I have heard and seen pictures of many architectural significant places in London and am excited to get to see them in person! I have only been out of the country twice to the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic, and I am excited to get out to another part of the world with a different culture. I believe that this London trip will be a good start for my experience in study abroad and I hope to go on many more trips after this one.

Throughout this class, I am also excited to develop my sketching skills further and experiment with other forms of art. I am excited to go to London and not only bring back pictures but also a sketchbook filled with my experiences. I can’t wait to get started and am going to have so much fun!

A picture of me from a High school concert.

Taylor’s Bio

My name is Taylor Brill and I am a second year majoring in City and Regional Planning with a minor in Architectural Studies. My hometown is Richwood, Ohio and it is just a small town about 40 minutes from campus. No one usually knows where that is unless they are from the area or bigger towns like Marysville or Marion, which are just right outside of the my town. I was pretty familiar with the Columbus area before coming to OSU because I lived so close. Columbus was the place that I  always went growing up if I wanted to do something fun with my friends or family. Some of my hobbies include reading, watching Netflix and shopping.

I have never been abroad before so, I am excited yet nervous to travel to London. I know that it will be a good experience for me in the long run and I hope to learn a lot. There are a lot of things that I want to see in London so, it is hard just to pick one. The Salisbury Cathedral is probably one of the site at the top of my list and then maybe Hyde Park. I want to see all of the old and new architecture in the city and how it all comes together, including sustainable methods. I am excited for the trip and can’t wait to experience London in the spring.

This is a picture of me taken on a recent vacation in Tennessee.

Gabe’s Bio

Hey everyone,

My name is Gabe Gerstner and I am a 4th year civil engineering student with a minor in architecture. Although architecture is not my major I have enjoyed every class that I have taken so far, I have learned so many interesting things that I will not only be able to take into my career, but I have learned so many things that have given me a new appreciation for the built environment. This class will be my last bit of credits needed fo my minor and I couldn’t be more excited to end my time spent with Knowlton on a trip to London.

I am from Austin, Minnesota, a smaller town in the southern part of the state that is best known as the town that invented SPAM, we have a museum and all. Some of my hobbies include golfing, fishing, and hiking. I am also a huge fan of live music, so if anyone wants to find something during our free time in London I’d be more than happy to attend. I have always been interested in traveling, mostly in the States, but I am excited to broaden my horizons over the Atlantic and experience something completely new to me. It’s hard to pinpoint my interest to one specific thing that we will be seeing so I’d have to say I’m just generally excited to see something new every day and experience a culture that is new to me simultaneously.


Family photo at the SPAM Museum


Candice’s Bio

Hi everyone,

I’m Jingyuan Wu and I would like to be called Candice. I’m from Wenzhou, a city at the the southern part of China. I’m now a junior, majoring in architecture. My hobbies include swimming, drawing, watching movies and etc.

When I was a freshman in high school I visit US during my summer break. That’s the first time I experience the fascination of meeting different cultures and people. I was visiting most of the important cities in US, including L.A., San Francisco, NYC, Washington DC, and Boston. I stayed in Boston for one week for a summer program that have students coming from all over the world. After that trip, I developed interest in traveling to different places. During my college life here at OSU, I still try to visit different cities on major breaks. Also during the past summer break, I went to Japan by myself. The trip was all planed by me and thanks to it, I can call myself a good traveler now.

The reason I choose England is that the British architecture has always be somehow different than the classical architecture we studied. The Victorian or Queen Annex style and the romanticism landscape designing are fascinating for being both random or nature and ordered or planned. Those characteristics somehow resembles some Chinese landscape designing skills and was actually influenced by East Asian culture. I would love to experience how British romanticism have incorporate other cultural influences by myself.

My selfie from class

Rachel Schmitmeyer

Hello everyone! My name is Rachel Schmitmeyer. I am a second-year majoring in architecture, with a minor in design. I am from Fort Loramie, Ohio – a town of 1,500 that is about two hours west of Columbus. Some of my hobbies include running, drawing, painting, photography, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

With my parents, I have travelled to many US cities, as well as to Germany and Italy. These travels are what led to my interest in architecture. I have heard from many architecture students that London is a great city to study because of its combination of classical and modern architecture. I am excited to experience the city first-hand and seeing all the sites I have read about in textbooks. I believe experiencing these buildings in person will give me a better appreciation of the architecture and allow me to learn about the building in a way that I would never be able to by reading a textbook or sitting in a lecture hall. Besides visiting the sites, I am also eager to improve my sketching skills. I have always loved drawing and would like to be able to incorporate it more into architecture studies. I think this will be a great opportunity to learn how to sketch quicker and with more confidence.

This image was taken two summers ago when I went to Florence, Italy.

Kelly Earman’s Bio

Hello! My name is Kelly Earman and I am a fourth year psychology/crim major and plan on attending law school after I graduate this May. I was born in Virginia right outside of DC and lived there until I was 7. I consider my hometown to be Powell Ohio since I’ve lived here for about 15 years. My hobbies include cooking and playing with my dog.

I have always loved traveling and going on trips to various cities in the US, but I’ve had an itch to travel outside the country, so I am very grateful for the opportunity to go on this trip. I have always loved architecture and spent most of my college career living with friends who are architecture majors, as well as my brother who studies it at UC. London has always been somewhere I’ve wanted to travel and I have such a love for city life.

One of the sites I’m most looking forward to is St. Paul’s Cathedral, but I am most excited to just experience a new culture and start traveling while I have the chance during my last semester here at OSU. I hope to live a life that allows me to deepen my global knowledge and immerse myself in cultures that will help me do that.

Yujia Personal Post

Hello All,

My Name is Yujia Kuang. I am a Junior currently majoring in Landscape Architecture. I was born in an urban district of Guangzhou called Conghua, which is known for its relaxing hot springs and lychees. My hobbies include exploring and experiencing a place’s culture and culinary cuisine. I have always been a big fan of London’s historical and rich culture ever since I can remember. However, I have never had the chance to travel and experience the City of London. I am excited to be able to attend this course as I will be able to travel to London and also will be able to experience London’s architectural setting that contributes to the city’s  rich and unique culture that exists today. During this course, I plan to enhance my drawing skills by being able to use the most simple elements including line and points to construct the most relevant design, which is what I see from London’s architectural settings. Before I attended Ohio State University, I was initially going to attend a college in London, but decided to attend Ohio State University instead. This course will help me fulfill that regret that I have always had by not going to college in London by learning about London’s political and cultural architectural environment.

Loraine Alvarez’s Bio

Hello everyone! My name is Loraine Alvarez and I’m currently a second-year student majoring in Landscape architecture. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, but moved to the United States when I was eight years old. After moving to the U.S. I lived in the Bronx, New York for about a year and then moved to Lorain, Ohio which has been my hometown for the past ten years. Lorain is a small town approximately 20 minutes from Cleveland.

Since an early age, my parents took me to a lot of places here in the U.S. and in my native country, so I became very curious in one day having the opportunity to travel abroad and be able to explore all the amazing places this world offers us. Last semester I became interested in the London and Culture spring trip because since 11th grade I’ve been fascinated by England’s architecture and famous landmarks. London is a city rich in history and diversity and being able to experience that and see their multiple architectural wonders in real life is just amazing!

Besides being excited to learn about their incredible architectural history, I’m also excited to be able to experience a new culture. It’s so interesting to visit a city such as London and be able to see how diversity plays such a big role throughout many important places around the world.

Me at Baldwin Wallace University

Thomas Bio

Hi everyone! My name is Thomas Rastatter and I’m a third year student studying welding engineering. Although my major has nothing to do with the subject of this class, I’ve always been fascinated by architecture since I was a child, which is one of the many reasons I decided to enroll in this class.

I consider my hometown to be Chagrin Falls, Ohio, which is a small suburb about twenty-five miles outside of Cleveland. I’ve lived there almost my entire life, so I am always eager to get away from it and travel to see aspects of life that are impossible to experience in my hometown.

Some of my hobbies include cooking, fixing cars and motorcycles, and playing guitar. I have a motorcycle from the 1970’s that I love to ride whenever the Ohio weather permits and a 1966 Mustang that I’ve been working to restore with my dad for the last five years.

Out of everything that I will experience through this class and the trip, I am most excited to learn more about the British culture. I love learning about the differences between various cultures and believe that the best way to learn these differences is through cultural immersion. I also believe that learning about other cultures allows one to further develop their global citizenship, something very important in every industry today.

Me in Toronto from over the summer

Emoree Heiselt Bio

I like to say I am from everywhere. Born in California, moving to Salt Lake City, Utah when I was two, then on to Starkville, Mississippi at age 10, and finally living in Reno, Nevada for the past three years, I have lived a diverse life of regional experiences. Columbus, Ohio is also a place I like to consider Home as I have attended Ohio State University (OSU) majoring in Architecture for three years as well.

Based on the above it is easy to see that traveling is a big part of my life. I enjoy discovering new places and meeting new people. If there is an opportunity to go somewhere I plan on taking it. Thus, after receiving the STEP program grant, I have the chance to go to London in the spring! I am elated to visit all the places I’ve read about in books or have viewed in media. I am most excited to visit the more historical architecture in the city and have the opportunity to stand  where historical figures have stood.

I am passionate about history as well as architecture, and I enjoy art, fashion, and being a Resident Advisor for my 35 residents. This semester will be awesome!

Troy’s Bio


Having grown up in Brookfield, Wisconsin (Just outside of Milwaukee) I did my undergraduate degree at Arizona State University majoring in Architecture and minoring in Urban Planning before coming to OSU for my Masters degree.  While completing my Master of Architecture at OSU I was also a GA for Aimee’s History class as well as her London Study Abroad trip.  I’ve also helped lead numerous Europe and Asia Study Abroad Trips with Jackie Gargus (all of which I strongly recommend) and enjoy traveling in my spare time including a recent trip to Iceland this past summer.

When I’m not at OSU teaching I’m consulting with firms on projects that include digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, and parametric modeling, or I’m in my woodshop designing/building various furniture pieces and custom projects.  When I was living in Arizona I worked for a small architecture office before moving to Chicago and working for SOM.  I eventually returned to teaching at Louisiana Tech and UW-Milwaukee before returning to OSU.

I have far too many hobbies for my own good which include playing soccer, water and snow skiing, golfing, as well as flying drones, tinkering with electronics, and photography/videography.  I’m most looking forward to capturing London via a camera as a way to document the trip so please just ignore me and my camera!