
My group member Ian Underburger and I decided to explore Columbus by going out to eat. We went out at like 7:00 pm on Oct. 31. We plan to do eat at the short North but when you arrived there we found out that it was closed. So we walk around until we found a restaurant call Melt. Melt is a very strange restaurant because it mainly serve grill cheese sandwiches. However, the grill cheese sandwich they serve is very different. Their grill cheese sandwich is just other food items smash between two grill cheese sandwiches. Examples are meatloaf or pork smashed between two grill cheese sandwiches. To our surprise the strange grill cheese sandwich were really good and the portion were very large. My experience were very good. I learn a bunch of stuff about Ian when we were waiting for our food. One thing I learn is that Ian does not ave a favorite music artist. I would definitely recommend Melt to a friend especially if they love grill cheese.


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