Rate & Review Books with NCBC


Welcome back to Rate & Review Books with NCBC! 

Our July book review comes from the Next Chapter Book Club that meets at the Gahanna branch of the Columbus Metro Library.

Book or series of books: Henry Huggins

Author: Beverly Cleary

First, please tell our readers a little about your book club.

Right away, James issues an invitation for folks to “Come join us!”

“It’s fun, friendly, and we have a movie night after we read a book,” says Meggen.

When asked what he would tell people about his book club, Julian says, “There’s great people.”

Paige, the club facilitator, echoes these comments, saying, “We have a great community. We all bring different strengths, and we have a lot of fun!”

While this club began meeting in the Gahanna area in 2022, some of its members have been participating in NCBC for over ten years. One of those members is Reinah, who shares, “It’s fun to have it in the library because you can always get yourself a card, and you can come here and check out your own book if you want.” Great point, Reinah!

Five people in the Gahanna Next Chapter Book Club smile for the camera. Each person has a copy of The Boxcar Children in front of them.

From Left to Right: Julian, Paige, Meggen, Reinah, James

What happens in Henry Huggins?

Julian shares, “Henry had a bunch of guppies and a dog named Ribsy.” In this book, Henry Huggins is looking for some excitement when he meets a lovable and energetic dog, who he names Ribsy.

Reinah adds, “He found the dog on the street, and the dog never stopped following him and became his pet.”

James shares one of the many funny parts of the story. “Henry brought the dog on the bus and he was running around. He had to hide him a box,” he says.

“There was a dog show and Henry’s dog competed in the show,” adds Meggen.

“Yes, and he won most unique dog,” says Paige.

To read more about this book, visit Henry Huggins on Goodreads.com.

How easy was it to understand?

Everyone in the club agreed that the book was very easy to understand.

What did you like about the book?

“I liked how [Ribsy] always followed [Henry] to school, and he’d be right there waiting for him after school,” shares Reinah.

Meggen says, “I like how Ribsy got rescued by Henry. He called his mom and said, ‘Can we have a dog?’”

When asked if his mom agreed right away, James answers, “I don’t think so.”

Reinah says, “Henry’s mom said, ‘I’ll let you have the dog if you can bring him home on the bus.’ The bus driver caught him, so Henry carried him in a box.”

Were there any parts you didn’t like?

Members in the club shake their heads to show that there weren’t any parts of the book they didn’t like.

However, Reinah mentions, “One thing I don’t like is when people spill things on books.” Like many NCBC members, some of the books in the NCBC library, including Henry Huggins, have been around for almost 20 years!

If another club was thinking about reading Henry Huggins, what would you tell them?

Paige says with a smile, “We laughed a lot.”

Julian says, “Give it a try,” and then he notes that he would like to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book club. Others in the group seem to like this idea.

What has been your favorite book so far?

Please rate this book on a scale from 1 to 5 stars.

This club gave Henry Huggins an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Men’s Aspirations June 2024

Men’s Aspirations went to the Park of Roses and Jeni’s for June!

We started the event by hiking alongside the Park of Roses (a trail no one knew existed that took us near a creek with hills canopied by trees). Out of the woods, we walked through the Park of Roses, checking out 200+ species of roses, herbs, and perennials. We walked over 2 miles.

After the park, we drove to Jeni’s and enjoyed a sweet and cool treat — exactly where it started to rain.

The conversations never stopped, and at least 2 guys exchanged numbers! BIG WIN!

Men’s Aspirations is a social group where we EXPLORE and go on an ADVENTURE. The focus is to move, be active, and accomplish something with new friends. We have a basic schedule for the event but are flexible to try new things and for members to take ownership.



Rate & Review Books with NCBC


Welcome back to Rate & Review Books with NCBC! 

June’s book review comes from one of our virtual book clubs, a Wednesday evening group that meets on Zoom.

Book or series of books: The Story of Dr. Dolittle

Author: Original story by Hugh Lofting, adapted version by Melissa Dalton Martinez

First, please tell our readers a little about your book club.

“It’s a fun group,” says co-facilitator Colleen. In January 2024, a hybrid Next Chapter Book Club that included Colleen, Amy, and Allie joined together with Kimberly, Derek, Abdullah, Tony, Anthony, Ahmad, Jackie, and Jillian to form the large virtual NCBC that now meets on Zoom each Wednesday evening.

Allie shares, “I like doing it over Zoom. I like not having to go back out after work.” Like members of other virtual NCBCs, Allie appreciates the convenience of being able to gather with friends from the comfort of home.

Several members of this club have been part of NCBC for over 12 years. Prior to Covid, their book clubs met in cafés and bookstores in Franklin County. In 2020, most groups transitioned to meeting virtually on platforms such as Zoom. When book clubs were able to meet in-person again, a few decided they would rather continue to meet on Zoom.

“NCBC members who have continued to meet virtually are able to avoid scheduling and transportation barriers. This means we generally have great attendance at our Wednesday evening meetings,” says co-facilitator Jillian.

After combining the two smaller clubs in early 2024, the group grew to eight members and three co-facilitators, and all have appreciated the chance to get to know more people. One club member even joins from Warsaw, Indiana. Amy sums it up by saying, “We meet nice, new people.”

Seven members of a virtual Next Chapter Book Club smile for a photo

Top row: Amy, Jillian, Allie; second row: Kimberly, Jackie, Colleen; third row: Abdullah; Not pictured: Derek, Anthony, Tony, Ahmad

What is The Story of Dr. Dolittle about?

“Dr. Dolittle is about a doctor that can talk to animals,” explains Kimberly. Dr. Dolittle does indeed have a special gift for being able to communicate with animals, and this takes him on some unusual adventures.

“He went to Africa and different places. I missed some meetings for cooking class and vacation. It was cool to hear about all the different places he went,” Allie says.

In this book, the simple and kind-hearted Dr. Dolittle travels to Africa to save monkeys from a terrible sickness. The journey takes many twists and turns, and Dr. Dolittle is helped by a close circle of friends, including Polynesia the parrot, Gub-Gub the pig, Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog, Chee-Chee the monkey, and others.

Colleen shares, “He goes around not only helping animals, but helping people too. For example, he helped the king’s son marry the love of his life.”

How easy was this book to understand?

“Overall, I think it was pretty easy,” Abdullah says.

“I thought it was sort of a weird book. Remember the pushmi-pullyu’s? I had never heard of that. Dr. Dolittle is even a weird name,” Amy says, and the group laughs.

What did you like about the book?

Co-facilitator Jackie says, “I liked the names of the animals. I like most stories with animals. Also, the traveling part was fun and exciting.”

“I liked Chee-Chee the monkey. I thought he was fun,” shares Abdullah.

“I liked the part with the dog, Jip. He found the lost uncle with only his nose,” Kimberly says. In this part of the story, a young boy’s uncle is lost on an island in the middle of the sea. Only Jip’s keen sense of smell could find him.

Were there any parts you didn’t like? If so, what were they?

Amy says, “I think all the parts were good, but someone else might have a different opinion.”

Abduallah says, “[The story] was a little different and extraordinary.” With a doctor who can talk to animals, you can say that again, Abdullah!

If another Next Chapter Book Club was thinking about reading this book, what would you tell them?

Club members nod their heads, and Allie gives a thumbs up, showing that they would all recommend The Story of Dr. Dolittle to other NCBCs.

What book (or series of books) has been your favorite so far?

Please rate this book on a scale from 1 to 5 stars.

This club gave The Story of Dr. Dolittle 4.9 out of 5 stars.

Autistic Youth Program Launches!

Our first ever Autism Self-Advocacy Youth Program for pre-teens and younger teens began this past winter!

The students and facilitators learned so much from each other. We explored our senses, strengths, challenges, interests and more! The journey was full of twist and turns: some smooth and some bumpy.

We look forward to taking what worked really well and what could be improved and applying to our next session in the fall.

Come and join us as we look back on our journey!

Exploring the Senses

Along our voyage, we explored our senses. Together, we examined textures, movement, and body space awareness in addition to hearing, smelling, tasting, sight/vision, and touch. Students scanned the various parts of their senses using a worksheet and various items such as stuffed animals, fidget tools, and weighted objects.

We wanted to create a safe and no pressure environment. Some students choose to share their findings and what they learned about themselves with the group. Others remained quiet but listened intently to their peers. Our exploration of our senses helped to create bonds with each other.

What’s Your Superpower?

Next stop: we dove into some of our strengths and what we might find challenging. Many people find learning about their strengths and challenges hard let along young students on the verge of their teenage years.

We used pop culture references, superpowers and kryptonite (how many of you are thinking of Superman or the 3 Doors Down song in the late 90s?) to capture their attention and make it fun and exciting.

Students were able to either write down or draw their superpowers and kryptonite. Drawing allowed our student superheroes to not only better express themselves but to also helped them process information.

But I Don’t Want to Leave!

Discussing special interests (things that inspires them, what keeps them engaged for a very long amount of time, and/or what they could talk all day about) was the students favorite activity hands down. Students who usually did not speak during discussions opened up with such passion and enthusiasm. Discussions were lively and meaningful to both students and facilitators. Students stated they wished more time could be dedicated to this in future sessions.

All Aboard; Next Stop Home!

Our journey ended with an activity called, “the nest.” Just like birds working to make a nest for themselves and their babies, it is important to create a nest or sensory safe environment.

We discussed how each person’s nest is different and unique because of our different experiences and preferences. This nest should be a place for rest, safety, and comfort.

We asked the students, “what would you put in your nest?”

Students were excited for this activity. Some students used words and others drew pictures to show what they would put in their nest. The thought of creating a “mobile nest” or a nest on the go so that they can carry it with them was shared.

Next time we might have the students create a physical nest in real time!

Looking In the Rearview and Looking Ahead

Our team is currently reviewing the invaluable feedback from students, their families, and facilitators. We will be looking into activities to further increase engagement and bonding. We also want to utilize additional tools to reach students such as videos, pictures, physical activities, games, and role plays.

Many students in the program have individual learning plans (IEP’s). Next time we will find ways to better apply the student’s IEP to the lessons presented.

Our next trip will be planned in the fall of 2024. Click the following link for more information: Aspirations Ohio – Nisonger Center (osu.edu)

Stay tuned for our next journey!

Edited from the original work of Tema Krempley

Men’s Aspirations May 2024

For May, Men’s Aspirations adventured to Quarry Trails Metro Park in Columbus, Ohio. We hiked nearly 4 miles, cooled off under a waterfall, and relaxed on a group hammock.

Coming up in June–We’re heading to The Garden of Roses, followed by ice cream.

Congratulations Meera Nadathur!

Ace! student Meera Nadathur graduated in December of 2023 with her Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife degree from The Ohio State University.

TOPS staff interviewed Meera asking her a series of questions.

The Q & A is below:

Q: Who had the greatest impact on your academic success and why?

A: The math tutors did a lot to help me get through calculus, the hardest class I’ve taken at OSU.

Q: What was your favorite part about college?

A: I enjoyed learning a lot about several different subjects , including wildlife which interests me the most. I also enjoyed getting to know many different great people.

Q: What are your plans post graduation?

A: I am working on obtaining a career that involves helping endangered species.

Q: How would you rate your overall college experience? (1 being the worst and 5 being the best).

A: 3.5/5

Great work Meera!

Rate & Review Books with NCBC


Welcome back to Rate & Review Books with NCBC! 

May’s book review comes from a Columbus area Next Chapter Book Club that first began meeting in 2013. The club continues to meet at a local Barnes & Noble each Tuesday evening.

Book or series of books: The Poppy War

Author: R.F. Kuang

First, please tell our readers a little about your book club.

“It’s pretty nice,” says Sam. “We meet at Barnes & Noble each week.” Like many other Next Chapter Book Club members, Sam often arrives early to browse around the bookstore and get a snack.

Some people have been in this club since the beginning, and others have joined along the way. Over the years, the group has generally preferred science fiction/fantasy books, as well as a few beloved non-fiction titles.

Brian adds, “Sometimes we’ll play games instead of reading.” Scrabble is a favorite game of several members in this book club.

Shalom shares, “It’s nice that a group of adults can meet to improve reading and social skills and do positive things.” Others nod in agreement with Shalom. “It’s a very welcoming group,” he says.

Co-facilitator Cassie adds with a smile, “It’s a great way to end a day.”

A group of six people at a bookstore smile for the camera.

Left to right: Brian, Cassie, Alex, Scott, Shalom, Sam (standing); Not pictured: Luci, Manisha

What is The Poppy War about?

According to Goodreads.com, The Poppy War is “an epic historical military fantasy, inspired by the bloody history of China’s twentieth century and filled with treachery and magic.” The Poppy War is the first book in a fantasy trilogy that offers a magical yet violent reimagining of Chinese history.

Co-facilitator Alex states that the main character, Rin, “does not want to marry, so she joins a military academy and becomes a soldier.” Everyone in the story is surprised by Rin’s talents, even Rin herself.

“She controls fire,” adds Cassie, who says that Rin has special powers.

In the story, “humans use hallucinogenic drugs to access the gods, while the gods are using humans for their own personal agendas,” Alex explains.

“Yeah, there are some magical creatures in the book,” says Sam, “but there’s a lot of substance abuse and a lot of other negative things. I didn’t like it.”

“But you asked for months to read it,” Alex responds while laughing.

“I know, but I didn’t know what was in it,” Sam replies. He shares that the book sounded good at first, but ended up being darker and more graphic than he would have liked.

Calling the book a “grim, dark fantasy”, Sam continues, “I guess it’s supposed to be a social commentary on how war can scar generations.”

To learn out more about The Poppy War, click HERE.

How easy was this book to understand?

“I’ve had easier things than this, to be honest,” shares Brian, and the group laughs in agreement.

Scott adds, “It was kind of hard to follow.”

“There’s a difference between reading and understanding,” Shalom notes. “Everyone took their time.”

Despite taking things slowly, it appears that The Poppy War was a more complicated story than most of the book club members would prefer.

Cassie also notes that in some cases, it was “tough to read aloud the graphic parts of the book,” as it contains both physical and sexual violence.

What did you like about the book?

Despite the dark elements in the book, Cassie says, “I liked the fantasy aspects.”

Alex notes that she enjoyed some of the worldbuilding in the book. Worldbuilding is the process of building an imaginary world or setting, such as the fantasy version of China in The Poppy War.

Were there any parts you didn’t like? If so, what were they?

This book includes both historical events as well as entirely made-up events, which sometimes seemed “convenient” to club members. For example, Alex says, “The author invented a whole new people group just to make them the scapegoats.”

Cassie shares, “The main character arc also took a dark turn.”

Unsurprisingly, Sam states, “I didn’t like the tone in general.”

If another Next Chapter Book Club was thinking about reading this book, what would you tell them?

Brian says, “Yes, if they know before beforehand what is in it!”  Everyone agrees.

What book or series of books has been your favorite so far?

Please rate this book on a scale from 1 to 5 stars.

This club gave The Poppy War 2.67 out of 5 stars.

Congratulations Ace! Graduates!

Ace! wants to congratulate its three winter graduates: Hunter Mastin, Meera Nadatur, and Ben Pearlstein as well as its two spring graduates: Hunter Mastin (again!) and Ashvini Rulshrestha.

Hunter Mastin graduated in December with his psychology degree and then again in May with his computer software engineering degree.

Meera Nadatur graduated in December with her computer science degree.

Ben Pearlstein graduated in December with his wildlife degree.

Ashvini Kulshrestha graduated in May with his Masters degree.

Stay tuned for one-on-one interviews with each of these graduates! To be posted soon…

Great work everyone!

Summer: Actually Having Fun

Summer vacation is a time we look forward to.  The time when people can disengage from work and school.   A time to possibly travel and relax.  Autistics, like other folx, like to have that break too.  There is a slight problem with that: sensory overload. 


A lot of summer activities are high energy, loud, and crowded.  Let’s examine an amusement park.  Let’s say we’re going to Six Flags.  Of course you are not alone at Six Flags.  You most likely have friends and/or family with you. 


You have to enter the park.  That means you need to get in line with a ton of people.  There is no organization.  It’s pure chaos!  Then you must fit through a narrow confining space, which means you must coordinate your body.  And you must interact with staff to give them your ticket.   


You are now inside Six Flags.  All around you there are people.  People moving in groups, waiting in lines, playing games, eating, laughing, and crying.  You can smell food.  Maybe something you like.  Maybe something you dislike.  You can smell body odor EVERYWHERE!  You smell chlorine and dampness.  Amusement parks are loud.  There is no way around it.  The sounds of games, a roller coaster clattering, music playing over loudspeakers… You get it.  People bump into you.  You step in puddles.  You are either too hot or too cold.  You get food.  The popcorn has a lot of salt, maybe too much.  The hot dog is filling, but greasy.  After drinking a ton of soda, you can feel the corn syrup coating your tongue. 


I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a nightmare to me! Yeah, you can have fun, but the amusement park drains you for at least three days.  Well, for me at least.  There are tons of other examples:  fairs, parks, tours, music halls, zoos… So, how can you have fun?  Well, there is some good news!  Columbus, OH does have some sensory friendly places and activities. 


COSI hands out free sensory bags to anyone who requests them.  They also have a quiet room for decompression.  They have periodic low sensory hours.  Those are usually announced in their newsletter or on their website.  Staff are responsive to customer needs and promptly provide information or resources.  

 For more information on COSI and accommodations go to:      https://cosi.org/visit/amenities-and-accessibility 



Another place that provides excellent accommodations and sensory friendly environments is the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.  The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium have constant activities and programs, and of course amazing animals.  Quiet hours are offered periodically.  They will be announced on the website or in their newsletter. Like COSI, they also have free sensory bags that you can use.  The coolest accommodation they provide are sensory maps.  These maps allow for you to plan where to go based on your sensory needs.   


For more information go to:  https://www.columbuszoo.org/accessibility  or 



Summer blockbusters… I don’t know about you, but I love the movies!  However, it is not fully enjoyable for some people.  Theaters get crowded and loud.  Food and bathrooms smell.  The theater is either too hot or too cold.  So, what can you do?  My favorite movie theater is the Crosswoods Marcus Cinema.  It is always clean.  It has great staff.  It also tends to be quieter, even when there is a major premiere.  The Crosswoods Marcus Cinema is known for its accessibility among certain populations.  They will have sensory friendly screenings for the public. They are announced in their newsletter or on their website.  You can also get a private screening or reserve the entire theater during off hours.  I have been at Crosswoods Marcus Cinema at a reserved theater and screening.  It was one of the most relaxing movie experiences I have ever had. 


For more information go to:  https://www.marcustheatres.com/marcus-specials/sensory-specific-films 


