My First Semester at OSU

My first semester at OSU has been amazing. I’ve made so many friends, learned a ton, and had unforgettable experiences. At the start of the semester I was worried about the classes I would be taking and how well I would do. Now that I’ve been here for a whole semester I have gotten in the swing of things and know that I can and will do well here. I was also worried at first about the size of campus and finding my way around. After a semester here I am pretty confident you could plop me anywhere on campus and I could find my way home. It only took about 2 weeks for me to feel confident in where I was going. Campus feels smaller and friendlier than I ever imagined it would and I absolutely love it. I’ve made good friends from being in Humanities Scholars. Also doing things for the 20 points I need requires me to get involved in the community, which is something I really like. Moving forward with Humanities Scholars I just want to remain involved in the community. I want to continue to experience everything OSU and Columbus have to offer. I also hope to get even closer with other members of Humanities. I am very happy with my choice to come to OSU; it is absolutely the place for me.