My Planner

My Planner for the week of October 1-7, 2018

Prior to coming to Ohio State University (OSU), I had a planner that I used for organizing my high school homework out for my classes. I would scribble these thoughts and notes into my spiral notebook; however, it was always a subservient method in comparison to memorizing all of my assignments. Despite how I still have a messy planner where I scribble my homework, quizzes, exams, and events in college, this planner has transformed into a primary method of organizing my life. I can’t imagine my life without a physical display of all my daily and weekly reminders.

Since my professors don’t remind me every day about any upcoming assignments or tests that I’d have like my high school teachers, this 8×6 pink planner would definitely be one of the first items I’d grab if my dorm room was on fire. It’s just that important to me. I have everything laid out for the fall semester because the syllabi that I received in the first week of classes all clearly defined what is due and upcoming—which was easy to know and navigate. It might be ironic that such a messy planner organizes my student life but that’s how it is.

Everything that I highlight pink is done and it is just a satisfying feeling that majority of my planner is uniform. Also, I always look forward to crossing out my assignments when I finish so I can have more pink-filled pages. Now, whenever I look back at my planner to the beginning of my freshman year, it’s quite nostalgic to see how much I have added onto my plate academically and socially. I can even see patterns of where I have more or less work, which I can take note of for the next upcoming weeks when I have to decide when I should study in preparation for my final exams too. Now that I have this planner, I have been able to manage my time better and be even ahead in majority of my classes. Fortunately, I have a feeling that a planner will definitely be one of the tools that I’ll utilize in order to graduate college successfully.