
“G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where I will write about how my planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.


G – Global Awareness

In the future I plan on doing research abroad and then to continue collaborating with people from around the world as I continue my career. I love how everyone has such a variety of backgrounds and stories that allows them to bring a unique perspective to a problem and help find a solution that actually works.


O – Original Inquiry

I am currently communicating with a professor to decide if I would be good fit for their lab group. If so I will be doing research with his group. I plan to actively engage in research in any way I can each semester and even summers. After graduating I plan on continuing on to graduate school and then pursuing a career in research.


A – Academic Enrichment

This past summer (2016) I attended a research experience for undergraduates (REU) at The Pennsylvania State University. This experience really engaged me in learning about new concepts and how they applied to my research project. I plan to pursue more such experiences every summer that allow me to learn things that I might not learn in the classroom and apply these things to real world problems.


L – Leadership Development

I am currently involved in the Solar Education and Outreach club. Last year (Spring 2016) I became a co-project leader. With club input, I and my fellow project leader will develop and lead projects for the group to work on. I plan to gradually assume more leadership responsibility in this club. At my current job at Traditions at Kennedy and 12th Avenue Bread Company I help teach new students that come in and am learning more and more skills that I can then teach to others. In the future I plan on being able to lead my own research group and so will continue to develop my leadership and mentoring skills.


S – Service Engagement

As part of the Solar Education and Outreach club, one of our main goals is to help teach young students about the amazing power of solar energy. Another is to help bring this solar energy to people who may not have access to the many opportunities that come with electricity. As I continue to go through my education and career. I want to continue bringing light to those without and find other ways to help improve the lives of people, near and far, while improving our environment and preserving the world for those to come. Continuing in my career I want to pursue research that can help improve the lives of everyone around the world by making things better and more accessible.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Welcome to my artifacts page. Posted here are some items that I consider to represent little pieces of my academic interests, achievements, and life-views. Feel free to take a look around.

About Me


I am from Fairview, WV. I have always been homeschooled so I’m a pretty good independent learner and everything at OSU is a very interesting experience for me. I am a sophomore majoring in Physics and plan to go on to graduate school and pursue research. My first summer doing research through an REU at Penn State has got me really interested in Computational Physics. I am looking forward to getting more involved in undergraduate research and learning more about research and gaining research experience.