The Ohio State University: College of Nursing

Blog 5: Clinical Review

This semester I started clinicals and working at The Wexner Medical Center as a float pool SNA. At first, both positions were creating a lot of anxiety and stress before my day would start. I’d be very nervous about what…

Blog 4: Medical Show Evaluation

Watching Grey’s Anatomy when it’s for a class assignment makes it that much better because I don’t feel like I’m wasting precious study time. I decided to watch a throw-back episode. The very first episode!   I feel like Meredith…

Blog 3: Communication

Clinicals are a dream because it is the first time you get to interact with patients. It is the first chance to make a difference. It is a dream until it is your first day and you’re so nervous and…

Blog 2: Cognizant Observation

Observing others in their natural day to day affairs is something we do every day to the point we are no longer cognizant of our actions. Growing up my mom and I would always sit in coffee shops or the…

Blog 1: About Me

Blog 1: About Me

My name is Alina Lewandowski. I’m a second year from Dayton, OH. Throughout high school, I wanted to move far away for college, preferably eight hours or more, but after reluctantly visiting, I fell in love with the campus and…