Spring Interview

During the first few weeks of spring semester I met with my mentee, Brandon, to talk about how his first semester of college went. Since we have the same major, I asked Brandon if he was enjoying Neuroscience! He said that he loves his neuroscience class (Behavioral Neuroscience), but he definitively wasn’t enjoying the class he has to take for premed, Chemistry. So, I would say he is fitting in at OSU just fine. Nobody likes chemistry! I then asked him about how he has gotten involved on campus. Brandon participated in Buckeyethon and attended a Cystic Fibrosis forum. Volunteer work is a great way to get involved in the campus community. He said that he has really enjoyed the volunteer work that he has been involved with.

I then asked Brandon what he would do to improve the ACES program. His response was that he enjoys being a part of the program, but he would like the program to give a little more assistance to directly help students find volunteer work. A lot of students in the ACES program have trouble finding consistent volunteer work, so Brandon’s idea would be a great improvement to the program. ACES could start working with different organizations to help students find volunteer work.

I then asked Brandon if his career plans have changed since first semester. He said that he is still planning on going to medical school, but he is still deciding what he wants to do after that. My final question was if anything had surprised him since being on campus. He said that OSU is supposed to have 65,000 students, but it doesn’t feel that big. He likes that he has found his own little community here at OSU which makes the school seem much smaller.  All in all, Brandon’s first semester at OSU went very well!

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