Love Notes for DREAMERS

Write a Love Note for Our Dreamers!

We will be organizing two interactive activities on the South Oval (behind Hagerty Hall) Wednesday, September 13th and Friday 15th from 9am-5pm for individuals to create and view messages of support for buckeyes affected by the DACA policy change. Messages will be collected throughout the week at various locations and turned into a visual collage on-site. In conjunction, we will be collecting signatures from faculty endorsing President Drake’s message on the DACA Decision.

How you can help:

1) Volunteers

We need volunteers to staff the table 9/13 or 9/15 from 9-5pm (see sign up sheet)

2) Collect messages of support

See the flier below for locations collecting messages. Messages should be submitted on 3 x 5 index cards(any color). All messages gathered at key locations should be dropped off by 5pm on September 12th to 321A Thompson Library (3rd floor).

3) Share this project

Share this message with your networks and on social media. Encourage other buckeyes to stop by our table next week. Send a message via social media using #BuckeyeLove

4) Donate supplies

We need 3 x 5 index cards, colorful pens and pencils for the table. Supplies can be dropped off at Thompson Library Suite 321A (3rd floor) to Pamela’s attention. We would also welcome candy and/or other OSU swag to hand out at the table (see sign-up sheet)

This is just a first step in identifying allies on campus. We appreciate your help in sharing this project with others. We welcome your questions comments and suggestions.
For more information on DACA resources on campus and nationwide, please refer to the following guide:

For more information, visit here.

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