End to Freshman Year

Freshman year has come to an end. It is still crazy to me how fast this year has gone by and that I have officially made it through my first year of college. This school year had its bumps in the road, but from them I have learned many new things which will help the following years go smoother. A few things that I have learned this year are:

-It’s just one grade, don’t let it hold you back and instead learn from it

-Beware of the wind

-A quick trip home or family visit can help you destress

-Study in advance!

-Learn from your mistakes and overcome them

-Enjoy life and take a moment to realize where you are in it

-Pet all of the puppies you see on campus when you can

-Be proud of what you accomplish

-Hang up a hammock when its finally not snowing anymore

Through all of these things, I think I’m ready to take on year two.

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