Year in Review

If there is one thing I have to say about my freshman year of college it is that nothing went the way that I had planned. Do not be so quick to judge, however, because this is actually for the better. Originally, I simply expected college to be wake up, go to class, eat, study, sleep, repeat. All day everyday for the entire year, thankfully, however, I was wrong. My first year here at Ohio State is most certainly one that I will always remember. I met so many amazing people, did so many amazing things, and was presented with so many opportunities that I know that I would have not been presented with at other Universities. By getting involved with organizations like Nurhopsi, I was able to volunteer for a plentiful amount of service events that really made me feel like I had made a difference. Additionally, here at Ohio State I was hired as an RA for the following year, and although we have only begun to dip our toes into training I can already sense that this position is going to help me grow as a leader and a friend to those who need me to be. Overall, college is never what you expect it to be. You can study as much as you want, take practice standardized exams, anything. Yet, it will never be enough to really give you insight on what that next, life changing year is going to be like.