Shelby Gambill profile

The following is a feature I wrote after interviewing OSUN student Shelby Gambill.

(Written for Ohio State Newark news page operated by Marketing Department. Currently in review to be published)

Shelby Gambil Profile Final Draft

After graduating high school, Shelby Gambill entered The Ohio State University at Newark ready for something – something she could not quite put her finger on yet.

At the time, she had no idea the wealth of people that awaited to enter her story.

Gambill began as an English major. Her outlook began to change (or her confidence began to grow) when she took the Tutoring Writing course taught by Associate Professor Daniel Keller, PhD. “He’s just a great dude, a most wonderful professor,” she recalls; “He deserves every award ever.”

After she completed the class, Gambill was inspired to tutor as a peer writing consultant at the Writer’s Studio. The decision led to wonderful memories and relationships. She says the Writer’s Studio has been one of her favorite things at Ohio State Newark.

“The job itself is really great. . . to work one-on-one with a student throughout the entire semester and see their growth and really get to know a student.

After completing tutoring with one student, we became friends, and I still talk to her.” Gambill says.

After joining the Writer’s Studio, Gambill changed her major to psychology and became intensely interested in her coursework, partly inspired by faculty member Tiyi Morris, PhD. She muses, “There are definitely classes that change your outlook on the world. I went into her class as one person; I came out of her class a whole different person.”

Meanwhile, on campus, Gambill crossed paths with a theater friend from high school who told her to check out The Black Box Theater. Surprised there was a theater on campus, Gambill jumped at the opportunity to join.

In the theater, Gambill had the opportunity to express her passion for costuming. She remembers one performance that was set in the 60s for which she designed hair and make-up. “There was a lot of hairspray,” she laughs.

The Black Box theatre is open to community members, allowing novice students the opportunity to learn alongside veteran actors. Gambill has drawn on their experience, going from costuming to acting herself.

In 2017, she worked with Susan Pingleton in the play “Doubt: A Parable.” Pingleton performed in over 100 plays and starred in the 1996 hit movie “Jerry Maguire.” “She is the most down-to-earth person and gave actors tips that she got from working with people like Tom Cruise — it was nuts,” Gambill recalls.

Gambill has also made tight-knit friends at the Black Box. She shares, “I was involved in theater because I love it but also just the friends you make and hang out with during shows.” She continues, “it’s just so ridiculous how often we would go out to eat after.”

Gambill affectionally refers to faculty and Black Box Theater director Edie L. Norlin as her “theater mom.” Gambill explains, “I call her my theatre mom, or my Newark mom.” she adds, “My mom is glad Edie’s there.”

Recently, Gambill acted in “Macbeth” with the Black Box Theater on Zoom. (Check out the performance here!) She recounts, “I was one of the witches. It was very fun because I could be chaotic on-screen.” Even though the virtual setting was a different experience than live theater, Gambill really enjoyed performing. She shares, “It was a great way to connect with people in a safe way.”

Gambill was recently crowned Newark 2020 campus homecoming queen.

Gambill is grateful for the memories. She shares her grandmother sent her congratulations in all caps during the Zoom coronation. She laughs, “I was glad everybody could see that.”

She expressed gratitude for the staff, “I have no idea how they did all with all the online timing. It was a great experience even though COVID. I commend the organizers for everything they did.”

Looking back from her first day to now, Gambill found that something she was looking for — and more — at Ohio State Newark.

“At first, I kind of just went home, and that’s all I did. It was really lonely. I didn’t have a community yet. Then I got involved in theatre.”

She reflects, “It was almost like a domino effect. I went from doing theatre then theatre at the Black Box, I met my best friend, I joined Licking County players and now I’m on their board of directors.”

Gambill looks forward to graduating in Spring ’22. She plans on going to grad school for social work. “Overall, I just want to try to do good and be good to others” she continues her dream career is “something that can be a force for good.”