

Honest Bodies: Revolutionary Modernism in the Dances of Anna Sokolow. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. *Jordan Schnitzer Book Award Finalist from the Association for Jewish Studies.


“Margalit Oved’s Traveling Aesthetics.” In Border Crossings: Exile and American Dance, 1900–1955, edited by Ninotchka Bennahum and Rena Heinrich, 220–229. New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center and Museum of Art, Design, and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2024.

“Temporal Tactility in Trisha Brown’s Locus (1975).” Time: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, edited by Sarit Kattan Gribetz and Lynn Kaye, 115–126. De Gruyter, 2023.

“Modernist Continuities: Queer Jewish Dances, the Holocaust, and the AIDS Crisis.” Dance Research Journal 54, no. 2 (2022): 70–85.

“Dancing for Social Change in the 20th and 21st Centuries.” In Milestones in Dance in the USA, edited by Elizabeth McPherson, 130­–156. Routledge, 2022.

“Queering Nationalism: How Three Choreographers Redefine Israeli Patriotism.” Journal of Jewish Identities 14, no. 2 (2021): 171­–196.

“Writing Jewishness in Dance: Strategies for Empowering a Broad Diaspora.” In The Oxford Handbook of Jewishness and Dance, edited by Naomi Jackson, Toni Shapiro-Phim, and Rebecca Pappas, 694–707. Oxford University Press, 2021.

“Dancing With/Out the Canon.” In Troubling Traditions: Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US, edited by Angela Farr Schiller, Lindsey Mantoan, and Matthew Moore, 188–200. Routledge, 2021.

“Whose Jewishness? Inbal Dance Theater and American Cold War Spectatorship.” American Jewish History 104, no. 1 (2020): 31–58. *Gertrude Lippincott Award Honorable Mention from Dance Studies Association.

“Kinesthetic Seeing: A Model for Practice-in-Research.” In Futures of Dance Studies, edited by Susan Manning, Janice Ross, and Rebecca Schneider, 19–35. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2020.

“Queer Spaces in Anna Sokolow’s Rooms.” In Queer Dance: Meanings and Makings, edited by Clare Croft, 145–165. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

“Inevitable Designs: Embodied Ideology in Anna Sokolow’s Proletarian Dances.” Dance Research Journal 42, no. 2 (2013): 4–24.

Kaddish at the Wall: The Long Life of Anna Sokolow’s ‘Prayer for the Dead.’” In Dance on Its Own Terms: Histories and Methodologies, edited by Melanie Bales and Karen Eliot, 255–281. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

“Notation Score as Embodied Documentary Presence: A Response to Amelia Jones’ ‘“Presence” in Absentia.’” The International Journal of Screendance 2 (2012): 44–47.

“Passion and Angst: Postwar Identity in Two Dances by Anna Sokolow.” Art Criticsm 25, no. 1&2 (2010): 131–152.


Review of Dance Spreads Its Wings: Israeli Concert Dance, 1920–2010, by Ruth Eshel. Dance Research Journal 54, no. 3 (2022): 108–110.

Review of Moving through Conflict: Dance and Politics in Israel, edited by Dina Roginsky and Henia Rottenberg. Journal of Israeli History 39, no. 2 (2021): 325–328.

Review of The Mamboniks, directed by Lex Gillespie. American Jewish History 105, no. 1/2 (2021): 313–316.

Review of Dancing the World Smaller: Staging Globalism in Mid-Century America, by Rebekah Kowal. Theatre Journal 72, no. 4 (2020): 533–534.

Review of Dance Fort: A History, by Bebe Miller. The International Journal of Screendance 6 (2016): 205-209.

“How to Know Jewishness through Dancing It.” Review of Dancing Jewish: Jewish Identity in American Modern and Postmodern Dance, by Rebecca Rossen. Dance Chronicle 38, no. 3 (2015): 403-409. doi: 10.1080/01472526.2015.1085354

Review of Embodying Hebrew Culture: Aesthetics, Athletics, and Dance in the Jewish Community of Mandate Palestine, by Nina S. Spiegel, and Seeing Israeli and Jewish Dance, edited by Judith Brin Ingber. Dance Research Journal 47, no. 1 (2015): 111-115.

“Women’s Embodiment of Jewish Teaching, Worship, and Customs in Medieval Spain.” Review of The Miriam Tradition: Teaching Embodied Torah, by Cia Sautter. H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews. September, 2012.


“Ze’eva Cohen.” Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Ed. Jenny Sartori. Brookline, MA: Jewish Women’s Archive, 2021.
“Judith Brin Ingber.” Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Ed. Jenny Sartori. Brookline, MA: Jewish Women’s Archive, 2021.
“Sokolow, Anna.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Section Ed. Susan Manning. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
“Sokolow, Anna.” American National Biography Online. Ed. Susan Ware. New York: American Council of Learned Societies and Oxford University Press, 2014.
“Dance: Judaism – Modern Jewish/Israeli Culture,” Vol. 6 and “Folk Dance: Judaism,” Vol. 9. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Section Ed. Barry Dov Walfish and Eric J. Ziolkowski. Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter, 2012 and 2014. doi: 10.1515/; 10.1515/ebr.folkdance
“Anna Sokolow.” America’s Irreplaceable Dance Treasures: The First 100 Online Exhibition, Dance Heritage Coalition. October, 2012.
“Dance: Popular Forms.” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Ed. Bonnie Smith. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.


Reflections on Dance as a Cultural Diplomat blog post, Jewish Federation of Cleveland and National Center for Choreography, March 2019. To view, scroll to end.
Inside Dance Notes for Bebe Miller Company, Bridgman | Packer Dance, Nejla Yatkin/NY2Dance, and Doug Varone and Dancers, Bates Dance Festival, 2013. To view, scroll down to 2013.
“In Celebration of Anna Sokolow’s Centennial.” Dance Notation Bureau Library News V, no. 1 (2010): 1-4.
“The Passion is Still Present: Anna Sokolow Centennial and OSUDance,” InForm alumnae magazine, The Ohio State University Department of Dance (2010): 10-11.

Digital Projects

LabanLens (2017-2020)
An augmented reality dance notation application currently in development for the HoloLens. With the support of Ohio State’s Arts and Sciences Technology Services Office, Hannah Kosstrin is working with the team of Chris Summers (Dance and ASC Tech), Mike Kaylor (ASC Tech), and Ian Anderson (ASC Tech). For more information:

Listen to the OSU College of Arts and Sciences Voices of Excellence Podcast about LabanLens and KineScribe here.

kinescriberoundedKineScribe (2014, 2021)
A freely available dance notation iPad app that displays and edits scores in Laban movement notation. Updated 2021. Users can read and create scores in structured Labanotation, Motif and Language of Dance. Hannah Kosstrin and LabanWriter programmer David Ralley developed KineScribe with the support of Marty Ringle and Trina Marmarelli at Reed College, the cooperation of Ohio State and a National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities Level I Startup Grant. For more information:

Other Projects

2020–2021 Audiences and Online Reception: Before and After Covid

Conference Papers and Presentations


2024     Dancing Downtown: Ze’eva Cohen’s Choreography and/as Jewish New York. Paper, American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Conference, Center for Jewish History, New York, NY. (May 13)
2023     Arguably Queer: Lesbian Choreographies in Israeli Contemporary Dance. Paper, Association for Jewish Studies Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. (December 17)
2023     Corporeal Emplacements of Jewish Diasporic Mobilities in the Work of Dege Feder and Alon Karniel. Paper, Dance Studies Association Conference Symposium “New Mobilities ‘On the Turn,’” London, UK. Online Participant. (September 8)
2023     Re-Establishing Israeli Physicalities: Dege Feder’s Ethiopian Contemporary Dances as Embodied Israeli Archives. Paper, Association for Israel Studies Annual Conference, New York, NY. (June 26)
2022     “There is No Prize at the End of the Movement”: Alon Karniel’s Queer Choreographic Structures as Jewish Diaspora. Paper, Association for Jewish Studies Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 19)
2022     “The Hottest Place in the World”: Margalit Oved’s Gendered Jewish Activism. Paper, Dance Studies Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (October 14)
2022     India, Yemen, Israel, United States: Margalit Oved’s Translocal Jewish Dances. Paper, American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. (May 17)
2022     Jewish Dance Migrations: Dege Feder’s Ethiopian Contemporary. Paper, Conney Conference on Jewish Arts, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. (March 29)
2021     Corporeal Diasporism: Israeli Dance Migrations. Association for Jewish Studies Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. (December 20)
2021     Israeli Dances Agitating American Priorities: Galvanizing Diasporism. Dance Studies Association Annual Conference, Rutgers University/Online. (October 13)
2021     Choreographing Pluralism: Israeli Dances in Transnational Circulation. Association for Israel Studies Annual Conference, University of Illinois, Online due to COVID-19. (June 8)
2020    Kinesthetic Peoplehood: Futuring a Broad Jewish Diaspora. Paper, American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) Biennial Conference, Online due to COVID-19. (June 22)
2019    Bodily Memories: Feminist Functions of Jewish Time in Two Dance Films. Paper, Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. (Dec. 16)
2019    Dancing With/Out the Canon: Reworking Dance History Curricula. Co-presented with Nadine George-Graves, National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) Annual Conference, Miami, FL. (October 26)
2019    Dancing Digital: A Future Online Video Resource. Participant on roundtable lead by Rebecca Salzer, NDEO Annual Conference, Miami, FL. (October 24)
2019    Embodying Notation: Scoring Movement in Augmented Reality. LabanLens demonstration, co-presented with Chris Summers, International Conference on Movement and Computing, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (October 11)
2019     Kinesthetic Peoplehood: Analyzing Dancing in the Jewish Diaspora. Paper, Dance Studies Association Annual Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. (August 10)
2018     Queering Nationalism: Choreographic Challenges to Israeli Patriotism in Dances by Idan Cohen, Niv Scheinfeld, and Oren Laor. Paper, AJS Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 16)
2018     Queer Jewish Studies: State of the Field Roundtable Discussant, AJS Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 17)
2018     Mobile Modernism: Graphic Representations and Spectatorship in Inbal Dance Theater. Paper accepted for presentation on panel, “Global Dance Modernism: Graphic Circulations,” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Columbus, OH. (Nov. 10)
2018     Reimagining Dance Studies through Writing Roundtable Participant acceptance, Jews and Jewishness in the Dance World Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (October 15)
2018     Dance Scoring in Augmented Reality: Embodied History – Creative Process – Pedagogy. Poster of LabanLens, co-presented with Chris Summers, National Dance Education Organization Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. (October 6)
2018     Who Gets to Choreograph Jewishness? Yemenite Jewish Dancers in the United States. Paper, American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (June 18)
2018     Augmented Reality in the Arts: The Future of Scoring Dance. Presentation, co-presented with Mike Kaylor and Chris Summers, Innovate Conference (best practices for teaching and learning with technology), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (May 11)
2017     Whose Jewishness? Inbal Dance Theater, Ethnic Dance, and High Art in 1950s-1960s US Spectatorship. Paper, Conney Conference on Jewish Arts, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. (April 21)
2016     Transmitting Communism: Anna Sokolow’s Revolutionary Dances of the Mexican Folk. Paper, “Appropriation, Adaptation, and Testimony: Dancing Someone Else’s History” Panel, CORD and SDHS Joint Annual Conference, Pomona, CA. (November 4)
2016     Jewishness, Mexicanidad, and Exile in Anna Sokolow’s Choreography in Mexico, 1939–1945. Paper, American Jewish Historical Society Biennial Conference, New York, NY. (June 21)
2015     Touring Exoticisms: Inbal Dance Theater’s 1958 and 1965 Performances in the U.S. Paper, AJS Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 13)
2015     Touring Exoticisms: Inbal Dance Theater in the U.S. Paper, CORD and SDHS Joint Annual Conference, Athens, Greece (June 6)
2015     An American in Tel Aviv: Anna Sokolow’s Dances in Israel, 1962-1964. Paper, Conney Conference on Jewish Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. (March 26)
2015     Anna Sokolow at the Intersection of Biography and Choreographic Analysis. Paper, Midwest Slavic Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (March 15)
2014     Plasticity through Digital Inscription: Labanotation and Digital Media. Paper on “New Directions in Movement Notation Theory and Practice” Panel, CORD and SDHS Joint Annual Conference, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. (November 15)
2013     Anna Sokolow’s Dreams: 1960s Responses to a Dance about the Holocaust in the U.S. and Israel. Paper, “Staging Zionist Consciousness: Dance Production in the U.S. and Israel” Panel at AJS Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 17, 2013)
2013     Mixed Metaphors: Anna Sokolow and “American” Modern Dance in Transnational Contexts. Paper, CORD and SDHS Joint Annual Conference, Riverside, CA. (November 15)
2012     Funny Business: Anna Sokolow’s Choreographic Satire in the 1930s. Paper on “Corporeal Interventions in Jewish Traditions” Panel, CORD Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. (November 10)
2012     Wells of Loneliness: Queer Spaces in Anna Sokolow’s Rooms. Paper, Meanings and Makings of Queer Dance, CORD Special Topics Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (February 18)
2011     Anna Sokolow and Alex North’s War Poem: A Meeting of Music, Dance, and Anti-fascism. Paper, joint conference of CORD and Society for Ethnomusicology, Philadelphia, PA. (November 18)
2011     The Wandering Frog that Did Not Travel Well: Anna Sokolow’s Work in Mexico, 1940-1941. Paper on “Nationalism, Embodiment, and Legacy: 20th-Century Concert Dance in Mexico” Panel, SDHS Annual Conference, University of Toronto and York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (June 23)
2010     Researching Jewishness in Anna Sokolow’s Choreography. Paper on “Searching and Researching Jewish Dance” Panel, AJS Annual Conference, Boston, MA. (December 21)
2010     Activist Partnerships in Anna Sokolow’s Proletarian Dances. Paper in “Activist Choreographies” Working Group, 2010 Joint Conference of CORD and The American Society for Theatre Research, Seattle, WA. (November 18)
2009     Of Dreams and Prayers: Topographies of Anna Sokolow’s Holocaust Work During and After World War II. Paper, SDHS Annual Conference, with Dance Critics Association (DCA), Stanford University, Stanford and San Francisco, CA. (June 20) This paper awarded the Selma Jeanne Cohen Award, student writing award for excellence in Dance Studies.
2009     Of Dreams and Prayers: Anna Sokolow’s Holocaust Work During and After World War II. Paper, Annual Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 25)
2009     Vestiges of Ballets Russes Choreography in American Popular Culture. Paper presented at 2009 Midwest Slavic Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 18)
2008     The Way You Make Me Faune: Traces of Vaslav Nijinsky’s L’apres-midi d’un faune in Michael Jackson’s “The Way You Make Me Feel.” Paper presented at Annual National Joint Conference of the Popular Culture Association and American Cultural Association, San Francisco, CA. (March 21)
2007     No Fists in the Air: Anna Sokolow and the Cold War. Paper, Re-thinking Theory and Practice/Repenser pratique et theorie, joint conference of SDHS and CORD, Le Centre National de la Danse, Pantin, France. (June 23)
2004     Dance in Another Dimension: Investigating Lois Greenfield’s Photography. Paper, SDHS Annual Conference, Duke University, Durham, NC. (June 19)
2003     The Photographic Work of Lois Greenfield: An Investigation. Paper, Annual Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 26) This paper awarded 2nd place, Arts Division.


2024     Margalit Oved’s Traveling Aesthetics. Border Crossings: Exile and American Modern Dance Symposium, University of California, Santa Barbara. In person. (January 27)
2022     Dancing Dual Diasporas: Jewishness and Blackness in Dege Feder’s Ethiopian Contemporary. Performing Arts Department Colloquium Lecture, Washington University in St. Louis, MO. In person. (September 23)
2022     Jewish Dance Migrations: Margalit Oved’s and Barak Marshall’s Traveling Aesthetics. Virtual Dance Studies Colloquium, Temple University. Online. (April 5)
2022     Writing Jewishness in Dance: Strategies for Empowering a Broad Diaspora. Presentation at “Israelis and Jews Create and Dance,” an event dedicated to The Oxford Handbook of Jewishness and Dance sponsored by the Israeli Society for Dance Research. Beit Ariela Library, Tel Aviv, Israel. In person. (March 20)
2022     Master Class: Dance Analysis for Choreographic Composition, MFA theater students. Tel Aviv University, Israel. In person. (March 3)
2020     Kinesthetic Engagement in Online Spaces. Presentation at Beijing Dance Academy Dance Forum, Beijing, China. Online. (November 2)
2019     Invited Lecture/Workshop on movement notation and digital humanities for Dance and Movement Interest Group, Society for Music Theory Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH. (November 7)
2019     Honest Bodies Invited Book Talk, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. (March 28)
2018     Honest Bodies: Methods for Transnational Dance Analysis. Invited book talk, University of California, Los Angeles. (October 9)
2018     Honest Bodies: Methods for Transnational Dance Analysis. Invited book talk, University of California, Los Angeles. (October 9)
2018     Proletarianism in the Dances of Anna Sokolow. Invited presentation to symposium, The Proletarian Moment: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Comparative Perspectives, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (August 17-18)
2018     Temporal Tactility in Trisha Brown’s Locus. Invited paper to conference, Metaphors of Time: An Interdisciplinary Conversation Across the Sciences, Arts, and Humanities, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 11-12)
2018     Residency and lecture on Honest Bodies at Goucher College, Baltimore, MD. (March 7–9)
2018     “Queer Spaces in Anna Sokolow’s Rooms.” Friends of Dance Lecture, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (Feb. 13)
2014     Anna Sokolow and “American” Modern Dance in International Contexts. Invited lecture, accompanied by guest teaching in graduate seminars, Department of Dance, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (April 2-4)
2013     Guest lecturer for Minded Motion Lab, Meta-Academy. (August 8)
2013     Queer Dance and Swan Lake, in conjunction with the Year of the Queer, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH. (February 27)
2012     Dragging Dido: Re-Making Epic. Humanities 110 Lecture, Reed College, Portland, OR. (March 30; repeated April 5, 2013)
2012     Anna Sokolow: A Legacy in Photographs, invited lecture and accompanying classroom presentations in conjunction with the Anna Sokolow Centennial Exhibit, University of Wisconsin, Madison Dance Department and Hillel, Madison, WI. (March 15-16)
2012     Dancing History: The Spaces of Anna Sokolow’s Rooms. Invited presentation for Anna Sokolow Centennial Exhibit, Stanford University Department of Drama and Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford, CA. (February 9)
2011     Jazz: Anna Sokolow’s Dances of American Urban Spaces. Invited lecture, with Historic Dance Theatre at Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli, NY. (July 4)
2011     White Rooms: Jewishness, Whiteness, and Assimilation in Anna Sokolow’s 1950s Work. Paper, Modern Jewish Experience through the Lens of Dance Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (February 14)
2010     Passion and Angst: Postwar Identity in Two Dances by Anna Sokolow. Invited lecture, accompanied by performances of Sokolow’s Kaddish and Rooms by Deborah Zall and José Limón Dance Company, with Historic Dance Theatre at Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli, NY. (June 30)
2007     “Dancing Together: Models of Outreach and Collaboration.” Invited panel member. OhioDance Festival, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH. (April 21)
2005     “Satisfyin Lover: Just What Were They Doing in the 1960s?” Workshop, OhioDance Festival, University of Akron, OH. (May 21)


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