Arduino Function Calls Glossary

This page gives a brief explanation of all function calls used throughout our Arduino codes.

Since there are two motors, the number 4 is used to apply a function call to both motors.


accelerates or decelerates motor(s) m from % power p1 to % power p2 through a period of t seconds.


starts motor(s) m at % power p


runs motor(s) at their current state for t seconds


Stops motor(s) m

*does not brake the AEV, only stops the motors


reverses motor(s) m at the same power, just in opposite direction


continues the previous command for n marks from the AEV’s current position, where 1 mark is 0.4875 inches. n can also be negative, which applies to the AEV moving in reverse


continues the previous command for n marks from the AEV’s starting position