Meeting minutes:
Friday, January 19th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: Jacob Fisher and Brennan Esposito determined how to correctly assemble the sample AEV. Michael Blausey and Jacob Lichti helped each other download the Arduino Sketchbook
Accomplishments/Decisions: Michael Blausey and Jacob Lichti downloaded the Arduino Sketchbook. The motors and propellers, along with the Arduino and LiPO battery were placed at a station to test only the technology rather than the vehicle itself. After all equipment was set up, the code was tested and the motors ran successfully. No tasks were given after this meeting other than to review material to prepare for next week’s meeting.
Friday, January 26th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects Discussed: Jacob Fisher and Jacob Lichti discussed how to attach the sensors to the AEV arm and the test code was written by Michael.
Accomplishments/Decisions: During this meeting, the external sensors were set up on the AEV and used to test code. The sensor test was successful and the sensors worked. For the next meeting, each member was tasked with designing a vehicle to test, along with researching ways to make designs better. These designs would be used in later meetings.
Friday, February 2nd
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The group discussed and decided that Michael would be in charge of the data analysis, using the MATLAB tool.
Accomplishments/Decisions: The first task during this meeting was downloading the MATLAB design analysis tool, which was completed by Michael. After Jacob Fisher and Brennan Esposito set up the parts of the model that would be used, Jacob Lichti tested his code on the AEV. All system ran properly, including the MATLAB analysis tool. Next, the AEV was tested on the track connected to the ceiling. The AEV ran successfully, and nothing stood out about its performance other than being slow and difficult to brake. The team agreed on the next meeting time to complete the analysis of each individual sketch.
Sunday, February 4th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 3:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: Each member brought their individual AEV sketch and the model itself was brought. Each member of the team discussed all the designs to decide which ones were best, and the concept screening began. Each design was compared to the reference and if any design was agreed to be worse, it would not be considered any further. Three of the four designs passed this stage. The concept scoring activity was next, where each criterion was assigned a weight and a score was given for each criterion. After all scores were added, Jacob Lichti and Michael Blausey’s designs were considered the best.
Accomplishments/Decisions: The team agreed to attempt to test and improve these two designs. The remainder of the meeting was used to write the progress report and website update. Jacob Lichti and Brennan worked on the progress report while Jacob Fisher and Michael worked on the website update. For both assignments, Jacob Lichti was tasked with writing anything relating to Arduino code, Michael was tasked with exporting the graphs and explaining the MATLAB tool, Jacob Fisher was tasked with inserting the concept screening and scoring sheets, and Brennan was tasked with explaining all the team sketches. After enough of the assignments were completed, the team agreed to complete the rest of the assignments individually. Each member also agreed to research ways to improve efficiency for the AEV vehicle design and code.
Friday, February 9th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The group discussed the procedure to use for the motor configuration testing. Brennan and Jacob Fisher brainstormed different motor configurations to test and analyzed the data from the MATLAB tool.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Jacob Lichti wrote the code that the different configurations would be tested. Michael ran the AEV on the tracks and used the MATLAB analysis tool to provide data. The configurations tested had the motors angled inwards, outwards, and straight. The data showed that the configuration with an outward angle traveled farther. The team agreed to test battery voltage for the next lab period in exactly two weeks.
Friday, February 16th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed the requirements for the committee meetings and made sure everyone had the required information.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Brennan presented the grant proposal, asking for money to 3D print a part for the AEV. Jacob Fisher presented the public relations section at the committee meeting. Jacob Lichti presented the research and development section at the committee meeting. Michael presented the human resources section at the committee meeting. Between presentations, a few extra tests were done to complete motor configuration testing, where the same roles were assigned as the previous meeting. All results supported the conclusions from the last meeting.
Friday, February 23rd
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed a possible meeting time to work on the oral research and development presentations. The team also analyzed the results of the battery testing exercise.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Jacob Lichti wrote code used to test the AEV. Michael ran the AEV, gathered voltage data, and used the MATLAB analysis tool to acquire data. Jacob Fisher planned the lab procedure and analyzed the results. This meeting completed the advanced research and development portion of the lab. To prepare for the next lab period which would include an oral presentation of the results, the team agreed to meet on Tuesday, the 27th.
Tuesday, February 27th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 4:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed how we would like to complete the oral presentation, what to include in each slide, and who was speaking each part.
Accomplishments/Decisions: All four members worked on sections of the website update and progress report redo that related to their lab responsibilities. The oral presentation plan was discussed and the slides were made. It was decided that Brennan would orally present the introduction, Jacob Lichti would present the motor configuration results, Michael would present the battery voltage results, and Jacob Fisher would present the conclusions and recommendations.
Friday, March 2nd
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey, Brennan Esposito
Subjects Discussed: The group agreed on the next meeting where progress report 2 would be written.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Brennan Esposito left the group after this meeting, so he was no longer part of the project after this date. The oral presentation was completed to five other groups. All data and conclusions regarding the advanced R&D labs were presented. Future plans and aspirations were outlined.
Sunday, March 4th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 5:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed how to move forward with only three members as well as how to divide the progress report up into equal parts.
Accomplishments/Decisions: The only goal for this meeting was for each member to complete sections of the progress report relating to what they accomplished during the advanced R&D labs. Michael Blausey presented and wrote about the data collected during labs. Jacob Lichti wrote about the procedures and purposes of each lab. Jacob Fisher wrote about the conclusion of both labs and the future goals.
Friday, March 23rd
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Jacob Lichti noted that the AEV occasionally did sometimes fall short of connecting with the caboose and suggested that the motor speed out of the gate be increased by 2-5 percent. Michael Blausey noted that the AEV was still less consistent in its stopping position within the gate than would have been ideal.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Jacob Lichti increased the motor speed out of the gate by two percent, which was sufficient to ensure that the AEV successfully coupled with the caboose with only rare exception. No solution was found for the inconsistency at the gate at that time.
Monday, March 26th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Jacob Lichti requested suggestions for possible changes to be made to the code to fulfill the requirement of testing alternative code for Performance Test 2. Jacob Fisher suggested altering the code so that the AEV would travel at significantly lower speeds in order to test the impact of speed on efficiency and consistency in stopping location.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Michael Blausey and Jacob Lichti agreed that reduced speed would be a good variation to test, and Jacob Lichti wrote the preliminary structure of the code.
Wednesday, March 28th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Michael Blausey noted that the power prescribed by the code was insufficient to get the AEV to the top of the upward slope in the track and suggested that it be slightly increased. Group members discussed other refinements to be made to this second variation of the AEv’s code.
Accomplishments/Decisions: It was decided that the speed and duration of the motor burst at the beginning of each AEV run should be increased and Jacob Lichti made the necessary changes. The performance test was successfully completed with both codes, and Michael Blausey graphed the power expenditures of the AEV on both runs for comparison in Progress Report 3.
Friday, March 30th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the reasons for the continued variability in the AEV’s apparent measurement of distance. Absolute position was being used to specify the timing of all functions, but the AEV frequently missed the gate by multiple inches. Jacob Lichti suggested replacing the reflectance sensors.
Accomplishments/Decisions: The AEV’s reflectance sensors were replaced with an unused set and additionally secured with zip ties in place of the tape used previously.
Sunday, April 1st
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 3:00pm
Members present: Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Jacob Fisher and Michael Blausey discussed the ways in which Progress Report 3 could improve upon Progress Reports 1 and 2 and the upcoming goals for the final performance test.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Michael Blausey and Jacob Fisher began work on Progress Report three and it was decided that Jacob Lichti would write and compile the meeting minutes and provide all code necessary for the report, Jacob Fisher would write the results and analysis and forward looking sections, and Michael Blausey would be responsible for the remaining sections.
Monday, April 2nd
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: After a few test runs, it was concluded that the newly replaced reflectance sensors did significantly improve the AEV’s consistency, however some remained, for unknown reasons. Jacob Fisher suggested that the AEV’s stopping consistency might be further improved by decreasing its speed, possibly allowing the reflectance sensors to get more accurate readings. The group elected to work on refining the coupling of the AEV with the caboose at the far end of the track to bring it within the acceptable range for the final performance test.
Accomplishments/Decisions: It was decided that the motor power used by the AEV would not be decreased, as it was already sufficiently consistent. The power used to exit the gate, the air braking at the bottom of the downward slope in the track were refined such that the AEV reliably coupled with the caboose and did not pass the tape placed on the track.
Wednesday, April 4th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the necessary additions to the code for the AEV’s return trip pulling the caboose. After initial tests, Michael Blausey recommended that the power used for air braking before the gate be increased, and that the duration of both it and the initial acceleration of the AEV and caboose in the reverse direction be decreased to bring the AEV’s stopping position closer to the center of the gate.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Jacob Lichti modified the code as Michael Blausey had suggested and the group arrived at an addition to the code to bring the AEV to rest at the close end of the track by trial and error. The AEV was at this point capable of completing the final performance test.
Monday, April 9th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the sudden change to the performance of the AEV with the position and motor speed values and put forward suggestions for their resolution.
Accomplishments/decisions: Jacob Lichti made revisions to the motor speeds used at beginning of the run at the group’s request, and a small amount of overall consistency of performance was regained, though much remained to be improved before reliable completing full runs would be a realistic expectation.
Wednesday, April 11th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the continued inconsistency of the AEV’s performance, which was slightly improved over the previous lab period, but still inferior to the AEV’s performance on the 4th of April. Michael Blausey suggested changing the battery after every third run in order to cut down on variation in battery voltage.
Accomplishments/decisions: The AEV’s inconsistencies were further reduced. It was capable of successfully completing the first half of its run more than 60% of the time. It was decided that the following lab period, the group would continue to make refinements to the code to hopefully regain fully consistent performance before the final performance test.
Friday, April 13th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the changes to the code necessary to get the AEV to complete the final performance test successfully. Jacob Lichti suggested starting at the beginning of the run and updating the motor speeds and stopping positions progressively over the course of multiple runs.
Accomplishments/decisions: The necessary changes were made and the final performance test was successfully completed, with one slight error in which the AEV slightly overshot its target in the loading zone.
Monday, April 16th
Location: Hitchcock hall
Time: 8:00am
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects discussed: Members discussed the work which remained to be done on the CDR, presentation slides, and website. Jacob Fisher suggested that he work on the website while Michael Blausey and Jacob Lichti work on the CDR.
Accomplishments/decisions: The AEV kit was returned. It was decided that the group would meet on Wednesday and Thursday at 5:00pm to finish the website, CDR, and presentation slides. Jacob Lichti added a section for performance test two to the experimental methodology section of the CDR. Michael Blausey began necessary updates to the discussion section of the CDR. Jacob Fisher began work on the evolution of design section of the website.
Tuesday, April 17th
Location: Hitchcock Hall
Time: 5:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed various parts of the CDR, how to integrate the final performance test into the paper, how to complete the Final Presentation, and changes that needed to be made to the website.
Accomplishments/Decisions: The team members continued revising their own contributions to the Final Presentation CDR in prep for the Due date on Friday. The website was modified to complete the final website update. Michael worked on the abstract, Jacob Fisher worked on the results, and Jacob Lichti amended the various code that were used.
Wednesday, April 18th
Location: Hitchcock Hall
Time: 5:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed various parts of the CDR and how to complete each aspect of the paper. The team also discussed if the Final presentation was ready to be submitted.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Team members continued working on the CDR, Website, and the Final Presentation. The Final Presentation was submitted after it was reviewed by all members. Michael worked on the conclusion, Jacob Fisher worked on the discussion, and Jacob Lichti worked on the experimental methodology\
Thursday, April 19th
Location: Hitchcock Hall
Time: 5:00pm
Members present: Jacob Lichti, Jacob Fisher, Michael Blausey
Subjects Discussed: The team discussed changes to the website to make sure it was completed properly. Jacob Fisher and Michael discussed the layout of the website.
Accomplishments/Decisions: Team Members worked on and completed the group website. Jacob Fisher worked on the sales pitch and performance tests 1 & 2. Jacob Lichti completed the final performance test page and meeting minutes. Michael worked on the evolution of design and made sure all of the links were working properly.