AEV Design Updates

Based on the Concept Screening and Scoring procedure, the two models chosen for further research and testing were A: Elliot’s Model and B: The Team Model. The complete SolidWorks assemblies for these two vehicles are shown below.


A: Elliot’s Design: 3 Side Views and Orthographic View


B: Team’s Combined Design: 3 Side Views and Orthographic View


Minor Design A Update #1

Reason for Design Change: The Upper propeller of Elliot’s AEV hit the top of the track railing on multiple occasions and caused interference to the the vehicle’s programmed course along the railway.

Date of Change: 2/20/18

Result: The propeller has being moved downward a half inch and is now outside of the range of the railing.

Minor Design A Update #2

Reason for Design Change: The vehicle displayed swaying and instability while at high speeds on the track. This was an expected drawback to the vertically-oriented design, and needed to be remedied by maximizing the weight distribution on the support arm. This arm was moved back an inch from its original position on the base, in order to lessen the effects that the weight of the Arduino and battery had on the back of the vehicle.

Date of Change: 3/19/18

Result: The vehicle displayed greater stability when stopping and starting at high speeds, and there was no longer a fear of it swaying off the track.


Minor Design B Update #1

Reason for Change: The rectangle pieces holding the propellers to the side were not secured efficiently enouh, and were easily rotated. These propellers need to be as secure as possible to ensure the AEV is receive the maximum about of push forward from the work output of the motor. this issue was remedied by attaching extra angle brackets to connect the base and the bottom of the rectangle.

Date of Change: 3/23/18

Result: The rectangles were appropriately secured and no longer moved when applying resistance.