Team Meeting Minutes
Meeting 1
Date: 1/12/18 at 9:30 P.M.
Attendees: Anna, Elliot, Kate, Tom
Tasks Performed:
- Brainstormed initial design ideas and plans for individual assignments over the upcoming weeks.
- Have individual Concept Sketches ready for analysis in the next lab
Tasks Assigned:
- Read all User Manuals and AEV documents
Anna – Complete Website Update 1
Kate – Download sketchbook and begin Lab 1 and 2 Arduino Program
Tom/Elliot – Begin planning for construction of the sample AEV kit
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: 1/2/18 at 9:30 A.M.
Meeting 2
Date 2/2/18 at 9:30
Attendees: Anna, Elliot, Kate, Tom
Tasks Performed:
- Assigned roles for upcoming Project Report. Decided which 2 designs to continue developing.
- Decide Coasting vs Braking as the teams the Advanced Research and Design Topic for upcoming weeks
- Finish Progress Report
- Finish Website Update
- Continue developing and editing 2 chosen designs
Tasks Assigned:
- Upload all deliverables onto the shared Progress Report online word Document
Tom/Anna – Complete Website Update
Anna – Specific Progress Report Lab questions
Kate – Writing Forwards Looking Progress Report Section
Elliot – Edit and Format Progress Report, Develop Backwards looking Takeaway and Summary Sections
Tom – Edit Progress Report
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: TBD
Meeting 3
Date: 2/26/2018 at 9:00 A.M in Hitchcock
Attendees: Anna, Elliot, Kate, Tom
- Discuss speaking and PowerPoint slide assignments for the Oral Presentation
- Begin an online document with all experimental evidence from aR&D.
- Discuss the upcoming Progress Report 1 rewrite and the requirements for Progress Report 2.
- Have Elliot update the team on any design changes made to the AEV over the weekend.
Ideas and Other Important Topics Covered:
- Elliot suggested each member take the part in the oral presentation that corresponds with their project role, for example: Human Resources takes the introduction and Main idea slides. R&D developers take the experimental results, etc.
- Kate explained to the entire team how to best interpret the power vs distance and time graphs from the power braking vs coasting lab.
- Made a list of all the issues in our first progress report write and how we should go about fixing them.
Ellliot – Power Braking Data presentation and Analysis Slides. Comment the Code on the report Rewrite. Estimated 3 hours
Anna – Coasting Data Analysis. Develop the forward-looking section in the report rewrite. Provide analysis of the data on the website. Estimated 3 hours
Kate– Takeaways and Looking forward section of the presentation: Edit the formatting of the rewrite. Estimated 2 hours
Tom – Introductions and Main Idea slides of the presentation. Insert graphs and data tables onto the website and format. Estimated 2 hours
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: 3/5/2018 @ 9.00 A.M. in Hitchcock
Meeting 4
Date: 3/5/2018 @ 9:00 A.M. in Hitchcock
Attendees: Tom, Kate, Anna, Elliot
- Assign Roles for the Progress Report
- Develop a forward-looking plan for the performance tests in the coming weeks
Ideas and Other Important Topics:
- It was agreed upon that expanding upon one of the Teams initial designs from the preR&D would be a good next step in the development of the models for the first performance test. Specifically, one with a base that is perpendicular to the support arm.
Elliot – Progress Report Forward Looking section and Takeaways. Estimated 2 Hours
Anna – Coasting Analysis, backwards looking Summary, Meeting Minutes. Estimated 2 Hours
Kate – Power Braking vs Coasting Data Analysis. Estimated 2 hours
Tom – Report Formatting, Editing, and Appendix. Estimated 2 Hours
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: 3/9/2018 at 9:20 A.M. in Hitchock
Meeting 5
Date: 3/19/18 at 9:00 A.M. in Hitchcock
Attendees: Kate, Elliot, Tom, Anna
- Assign Roles and Compile Data for the CDR draft
- Recap and brainstorm ideas for the script of Performance Test 2’s program
Team Notes:
- The CDR draft will require all findings from the research and development of our AEV, From both preliminary and advanced stages of the creation process. These findings include the design screening and scoring process, the findings from the research into power braking vs coasting and battery usage, and the recent program development for the performance tests. The data associated with these findings is be found in the past two progress reports and the last oral presentation.
- The program for the Performance Test 1 is successfully reaching the gate. The next step is to write an appropriate approach to the caboose so the AEV will connect to it safely and within the given range. Kate suggested that this should be done similarly to the previous program, utilizing power braking which will provide more control in the stopping distance and ensure the AEV/caboose vehicle doesn’t crash into the track’s end.
Assignments to complete by the end of Lab 11a:
Kate – Complete the approach code for performance test 2
Tom and Anna – Write the introduction data analysis sections of the CDR draft.
Elliot – Readjust the support arm on the AEV to provide better support to the structure.
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: 3/26/2018
Meeting 6
Date: 3/26/2018 at 9:00 A.M. in Hitchcock
Attendees: Kate, Tom, Elliot, Anna
- Discuss the AEV’s consistency in performing the passage through the gate and its approach to the end successfully.
- Prepare topics of discussion for the Committee meeting on Friday.
Meeting Notes:
- Elliot mentioned the possibility of error occurring between runs occurring on the classroom and lab track, due to lighting errors, leveling differences or other outside factors. It was decided that these differences would be observed more closely in lab on Friday and discussed at the committee meeting.
- Tom suggested applying a slower speed command over a longer distance during the approach to the other side, because the vehicle was coming in with a bit too much force, which would push the caboose forward towards the end of the track.
Assignments to complete by the end of Lab 11a:
Everyone – Decide on the topics and findings to discuss at the committee meeting of the 4 sections.
Next Scheduled meeting date: To Be Determined