Public Health Overview

Public Health Overview

October 30, 2018 – 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm – at Kennedy Commons

I met Dr. Miller with a group of other students and I learned about the possible options for jobs related to the public health field. There are many different categories that could be explored in the public health field. There are two categories that I had recognized—biostatistics and epidemiology. I am going to minor in epidemiology, and one of the required classes are biostatistics. I was not sure of the difference between these two groups, so I had asked Dr. Miller. He said that he was not entirely sure either; however, the main difference between biostatistics and epidemiology is that biostatistics had more math than epidemiology. If I decided against the pre-medicine track, then I would have another option available (that I know at least a little about) to change to. He also gave us his email if we had other questions to ask him (


Wesley Glen Halloween Party

Wesley Glen Halloween Party

October 24, 2018 – 5:15 pm – 9:15 pm

This event was done through the Biological Sciences Scholars. I volunteered to be the person who stayed outside and made sure trick-or-treaters knew where to start their candy collection journey. As a first-time Halloween party volunteer at Wesley Glen, most visitors with their children knew better about where to go than I did; therefore I felt a little awkward and a little useless. I did manage to guide a few people (hopefully to the right places—they were there for the first time like I was) which made me feel like I was at least a little helpful. I learned a little about the history of Wesley Glen from one of the workers (his name was Michael), and it was rather fascinating. Some parts of Wesley Glen were built way before I was born (in 1969 I believe). For example, the Virginia Gay area was originally for retired female teachers, as they did not have pensions, nor were they allowed to be married; originally, only women were allowed in the Virginia Gay (named after the person who decided to build the building) area. I also learned the shocking fact that some residents pay $5000 a month to live in independent apartment-like areas, and typically can only afford the payments through Medicare from the government.

Clean Up Columbus

Clean Up Columbus

October 21, 2018 – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

This event was done through the American Medical Women’s Association. We had registered as a group and went to the Clean Up Columbus event through another association and spent time on our side of the street picking up trash. I found a lot of cigarette butts and spilled trash from nearby trash dumping containers. From this cleaning event, I learned that proper disposal and care for trash is important for both cleanliness and decreasing future hassles that may occur from improper disposal. I discovered that many people off campus, in the residential areas, simply throw their finished cigarettes onto the ground or into the grass—as such, I became slightly worried about the start of fires by the cigarettes which were improperly disposed of.


First Year Experience Series

Making the Success Series Work For You

September 10, 2018 – 9:10 am – 10:05 am at the University Hall in Room 043

This session went over the general topics all FYE sessions cover and where these general topics came from. The most common concerns are academic changes, living in a diverse place, social life decisions, fear of failure, personal responsibility, self-advocacy, identity development, personal wellness, money management, and time. Those concerns were then organized into smaller categories: Academic and Career Exploration, Diversity/Global Awareness, Finances, Health and Wellness, and Leadership/Civic Engagement. I learned that despite how everyone else looks like on the outside, they may be just as confused, stressed, and all-over-the-place like I sometimes feel. Despite the projector and computer not working in the room, we did all the activities and were introduced to the available FYE sessions.

Buck-I-CARE About Consent

September 24, 2018 – 9:15 am -10:15 am at Houston in Room 200

This mandatory session went over the meaning of consent and was required by The Ohio State University. We were given specific scenarios and we told to answer whether consent was given in the scenario. We also watched a clip of “Sex in the City,” and were told to give specific examples from the clip that were good examples of giving consent and some actions that they were not good (such as covering the girl’s face to prevent her from talking). I learned that communication is crucial and consent is only valid and given when not under the influence of any substances, coercion, or suppression from a position of higher power. Consent is voluntary, knowing, explicit, active, withdrawn at any time, and never implied. Consent is mandatory—all physical and social types of contact require consent.

Busting Stress Through the Breath

October 15, 2018 – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm at Derby Hall in Room 0150

This session went over different methods of breathing to either de-stress or relax and meditation. We were asked how and where we normally get our energy, and our answers were food, sleep, and exercise. We did not think of breathing until the session leader talked oxygen/breathing and about the length of time, we can survive without each thing. Breath was the most important as we cannot survive very long without breathing. I learned two new different ways to breathe. The first method was to press the pointer and middle finger to the temple (the area between the eyes) and rest the ring finger and the thumb on the two different sides of my nose. Next, close one side and breathe slowly through that nostril before closing the other side and doing the same. The second method was to breathe through the nose and out the lips (the lips need to be in the form as if sipping on a straw). I have been using these two breathing methods to calm down whenever I get overwhelmed, and it has somewhat helped.

A+ Research: Help for Your Writing Assignments

October 23, 2018 – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm at Thompson Library Room 150

This session went over some resources available to help with writing and the differences between regular questions and research questions. Research questions often required more information. Some resources available for help with research includes the subject librarians, our professors, and the website gives an e-book that describes the different parts of doing research. Then, we learned the acronym F.I.R.S.T. which stands for:

F – Focus your topic

I – Interesting Question

R – Resources Needed

S – Search for Evidence

T – Tweak the Arrangement of Information

Also, there is a writing center available on campus that provides help and review of our papers if we need help with editing, structuring, or starting our papers. I learned that quoting is copied word for word and used when the phrasing is accurate, has authority, is concise, and has unforgettable language, paraphrasing is used when making an emphasis or when needing simplicity and clarity and lastly, summarizing which condenses essential point(s) of your source into main idea(s). All paraphrasing and summaries must be in our own words, and all sources need to be cited!

Financial Aid: One Click Away

November 6, 2018 – 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm at 285/289 Student Academic Services

This session briefly explained the FAFSA (there is federal student aid app), special scholarships (, departmental scholarships, external scholarships (Bigfuture and Collegescholarships), and loans (FASTChoice – side-by-side comparison). Then I learned that to maintain aid for FAFSA, merit scholarships, departmental scholarships, special scholarships, and external awards. For merit scholarships, I had to have full-time enrollment and maintain a minimum GPA requirement. For departmental and special scholarships, I had to complete the FAFSA and complete all of the available applications. For external awards, I need to check with the eligibility requirements of the donor. For the FAFSA, I need to complete the FAFSA and meet the SAP (satisfactory academic progress). The SAP means, 1.9 after the first year and 2.0 after the second year, successfully complete 67% of classes enrolled, and has a maximum time frame (150% time to complete degree). The website to learn more about the SAP requirements could be found at The last thing I learned was that if I every needed help with financial questions, I would go to the Student Academic Services 1st floor buckeyelink services area.

AMWA Overview


AMWA is a national association that requires one payment to be a member for the entire undergraduate career. Directly after joining the association, I created an account on their website ( and joined their private Facebook group which occasionally made posts of events that were held by the national association, different petitions for women’s rights and aid that could be electronically signed, and recent news articles that published advances of women in the medical field.

I joined this club in my first semester of college (Autumn 2018), and have contributed to the t-shirt fundraiser and attended all of the meetings that I could (many meetings conflicted with the speaker panels for The Future Physicians of Tomorrow club). I also joined a group from this club when one of the Clean Up Columbus volunteering events (more details can be found under volunteering) were opened. Other benefits of this club include introductions to different volunteering opportunities—one of which was Moms2Be.

Speakers from Moms2Be came to one of the meetings and informed us of the opportunity and the existence of the Moms2Be Association. Moms2Be is an association that was created to educated pregnant women about pre-natal and post-natal care (infant mortality rate is high in Ohio). Volunteers would babysit the children while the mothers attend free classes that teach how to take care of children and how to take care of themselves while they were pregnant. As this volunteering opportunity was a long-term commitment, the executive board members suggested for all of us to go as a group to the closest Moms2Be location and volunteer once before any of us decided that we commit to volunteering for Moms2Be.