Learning Artifact one

For my first artifact, I wanted to share my reflection from the time & task management week because I feel as though managing time is something we all deal with the things I learned this week will be tips that I will apply in my professional life for a long time.


                                                         Week 4

                                Time, Task, & Environment Management

I find that one of the areas that I have the most trouble with is time management. This has always been a trouble of mine ever since high school. I am a very good procrastinator and often leave things to the last minute and end up turning in sloppy, rushed work. That used to work for me, but now as I grow in terms of my education leaving things for the last minute is no longer good enough for several reasons. First of all, I turn in work that is not to the best of my ability and it causes my grades to drop. Secondly, This is simply not good for my mental health and causes me an unnecessary amount of stress that could easily be avoided. Third, I am not allowing myself to fully exercise what I have learned and because of this I fall behind and am constantly playing catch up. This is an issue that I have been really trying to fix these last few years and I feel as though and making a lot of progress, but those changes only occurred when I started to acknowledge what was causing them. I believe that one of the things that caused this was laziness and also a growing disinterest in what I was doing that eventually lead me to not trying my best to do well. In Leach’s 6 reasons people procrastinate they say that being disinterested in what I am doing is just an excuse used by procrastinators, I think that reading this was very important to me because this is often why I put things off. Know every time I see myself doing it I will tell myself to “Just do it” as Leach suggested I do, that way I have more time to do things I enjoy



Leach, A. (n.d.). Time Management Tips for Non-Traditional Students. Retrieved June 26, 2017, from http://spsblog.cofc.edu/blog/6-time-management-tips-for-non-traditional-students (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..    


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