Green Engineering Project Presentation
My group was given the opportunity to look at green engineering topics for our Scholars 1100 class. We examined multiple ways in which artificial photosynthesis could be utilized to make useful solar fuels and oxygen. The following techniques are what we found useful: splitting CO2 with a catalyst, reducing CO2 with a bacteria to produce a fuel, and converting biofuels by a photoelectrochemical cell. This project provided me an opportunity to work with a group of people and discuss ways in which our generation can help keep our planet clean. It was such a great experience because it opened my eyes looking at all of the ways in which people can make a difference to our environment. Our Green Engineering Project has made me even more interested in green engineering techniques and the project as a whole was a thrilling success.
My group was tasked with providing a summary of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident for my NE5610 Reactor Safety class. We examined the main causes of the event, the results of it, the aftermath, public opinion, and finally new precautions taken for safety. This project, along with the class itself, helped shape my professional goals. I recognize now how safe the United States makes nuclear power and how little we utilize it due to cost and public opinion. The link above will explain the accident and hopefully spark your interest like it did mine.