One class that has had a great impact on me in my two years here at OSU would have to be organic chemistry 1. This class, while being very challenging, allowed me to learn how to problem solve and also how to prepare better. Prior to this class, I was used to just taking notes and that would be the end of my involvement with a class. OChem showed me that I had to practice with the concepts I learned and be aware that everything builds off of the previous content. OChem 1 laid a very solid groundwork for me as I took OChem 2 and OChem 1 Lab this semester. My next steps for learning will include taking OChem 2 lab this fall and also studying for the DAT this summer, which I feel as though my classes here have prepared me very well for the organic chemistry portion of the test.
Statement of Action
My two years here at Ohio State have flown by and I have grown greatly thus far. In my two remaining years here on campus, I plan to become as involved as possible and also make myself the best applicant for dental school. This fall, I will be taking the DAT and then continue to complete my pre-req courses and help build my app with shadowing, volunteering, and leadership experiences. In addition to making myself the best candidate for a dental school, I also wish to step out of my comfort zone and take advantage of all of the opportunities that are available to me as an OSU student. This help to make me more well-rounded and also allow me to find new subjects or hobbies that may pique my interest.