Artifact (Year 2)

For my artifact for this school year, I have included a picture of me as a baby.  I chose this picture since I made the switch to dentistry in order to help kids born with cranio-facial defects, namely cleft lips and palates, like what I was born with.  This picture shows me prior to having my first surgery as a baby.  Having been born with this, I spent a good amount of time as a kid in doctor’s offices and becoming close to the dentists, orthodontists, and surgeons who helped to repair it and who strived to make it so I could have as normal a life as possible.  As I continue my undergraduate career and then hopefully dental school and beyond, I will always be reminded of the impact these individuals had on me and use that to have the same impact on others.  My experiences have taught me to overcome obstacles and to never let anyone tell you otherwise.   


My artifact is a picture of me at my high school graduation.  I chose this as my artifact for multiple reasons.  The first reason being that this was a major milestone in my life.  The other reason I chose this image is due to the fact that I was named the valedictorian of my high school.  Throughout my four years in high school, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, but also I was able to grow as a person.  During high school there were many obstacles that I had to overcome such as my father being diagnosed with cancer and passing away at the end of my sophomore year of high school or my final surgery that required me to miss a lot of school.  Despite these obstacles, I still put in a lot of hard work and was fortunate enough to be named valedictorian.  Earning this title took countless hours of studying and required me to take rigorous courses during my high school career and do well in all of them.  As I begin my college career, I must remember to keep working hard and stay determined despite challenges that I may face along the way as I strive to achieve my goals.