Wrapping up the course

The semester went by so quickly. I was concerned throughout the course, because I used such a different approach to the course objectives. With a few technical hiccups aside, we made it through, and from my perspective, it was a positive and rich experience! I learned a lot about the learners, their challenges and their successes with technology. We explored at least a dozen different angles to educational technology in instruction and training-not all of them match everyone’s practice, but I think everyone came away with some ideas. I want to thank my learners; on the first day, when I explained the flipped format of the course, I saw quite a few faces with unsure expressions, and I questioned internally if this was the best format for the class. At the closing session, watching all the hard work that went into the projects, I can see that it worked, and inspired good things.

One of the topics we covered was eBooks and eTextbooks, and during that section, I suggested we make an eBook of selected blog posts from throughout the semester. This post will serve as the Introduction. Posts were able to be nominated to be included in the eBook by everyone in the course.

Thank you, learners, I learned as much from you as you learned from me!