It’s all done but the grading…

Another term completed of one of my favorite courses, Software Applications for Teachers and Trainers. This term, we went fully online, but kept the flipped model that worked so well last year. We ended our content week with a synchronous Adobe Connect session, reviewing the week’s content, having presentations, and setting the stage for the new content week. With a few technical glitches here and there, over all it worked out well. The live sessions made for a more familiar setting for the classes, even for those who hadn’t experienced using synchronous sessions before. Online classes can be social and personal, and provide similar opportunities for everyone to get to know each other, despite being separated by distance.

The obviated need to drive to campus weekly was a boon for those living far away from campus! I think there was a relief factor involved there, adding to the richness of the class that we ended up having.

That’s not to say there haven’t been a few takeaways for improvement! Every time I teach a class, I learn more about myself as an instructor, the technology tools we use, and teaching online. Being able to adjust not only the class and the content, but also the methods improves the experience overall for everyone, myself included.

This has been a great term, I’m sad to see it ending!