G.O.A.L.S. End of Sophomore Year

G. So far to cultivate my global awareness, I have taken a 2 week medical service trip down to the Dominican Republic with my Volunteers Around the World club, and taken a few semesters in French and Spanish. I plan to study abroad next summer, hopefully in Germany, to continue working on global awareness.

O. I’ve started to take some more advanced coursework that allows me the chance to get an understanding for the research process, including several chemistry lab courses. I have not participated in any official research yet, though I plan to do this next summer during my study abroad trip or somewhere here in Ohio.

A. My curriculum proposed in my honors contract shows my commitment to academic enrichment through all of the advanced coursework, honors courses, and well-rounded course selections. I’ve chosen Chemistry as my major, making sure to take honors courses in my field of study in addition to honors GE’s. I’ve also decided to add a minor in Clinical Psychology to further my understanding of people, since my end goal will be attending medical school.

L. The biggest thing I’ve done to further my leadership development is to run and get elected as the President of the Chimes Junior Class Honorary. I’ve learned a lot so far about leading an organization and all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make sure everyone works together and enjoys their time spent. My current job as an EMT also helps me to develop as a leader since people rely on me to help them confidently in their time of need.

S. I have been involved in my medical service trip to the DR through VAW, I volunteer with my sorority DZ regularly, I’ve volunteered at the James Cancer Hospital for a semester, and I am currently working on organizing multiple volunteer trips and projects through the Chimes Honorary. I will continue to volunteer wherever I can, and plan on going down to the coast soon to help with the relief efforts for Hurricane Irma.