I am rising 4th year student pursuing a major in Physics and a minor in Mathematics. I began research in the Kawakami group during the autumn semester of 2016. My introduction to the concepts behind condensed matter came about during my coursework that semester, and research has pushed my understanding beyond what a traditional classroom setting could provide. I am fortunate enough to be participating this summer (2017) as an SRC/STARnet Intern Scholar.
My interests include optical studies of spin dynamics in two-dimensional materials. One technique I have been learning about is known as Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation (TRKR) microscopy. Additionally, I have been exposed to Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) measurement techniques. These allows us to study semiconductors and magnetic devices respectively.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy rollerblading, listening to music, and watching hockey.
| Team | Ed Cichewicz