Kelly Yunqiu Luo

I’ve always been amazed by the simple yet fascinating laws of physics. At young age, I liked to explore and understand the way the mechanical world works around us. Since college, my interests in physics has been greatly flourished with my time working in lab. Over the course of grad school training, I’ve learned to aspire for designing and building new systems which allows one to uniquely explore cutting-edge science. I’ve also grown to embrace the experimental side of exploring new physics, which has became hugely enjoyable and rewarding for me. My current projects are in spin and magnetism dynamics in various low-dimensional systems using ultrafast pump-probe microscopy, nanoscale device fabrication, MBE and transfer tool.

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Physics from Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in 2012. I joined University of California, Riverside (UCR) in the fall of 2012, and moved to the Ohio State University (OSU) in 2013 fall with Dr. Kawakami. I received my Master’s degree in Physics from OSU in 2014 and currently I’m a Ph.D. candidate. My dissertation topics focus on opto-electronic investigation of spin and magnetism in heterostructure and low-dimensional systems. Outside of lab, I enjoy badminton, bike riding and reading. I’ve been riding with Buckeye Student Pelotnia team to support cancer research at  Ohio State James Cancer Center.

Here’s my personal webpage.


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