Elizabeth Bushong

I joined Dr. Kawakami’s group at OSU in the fall of 2013, and have spent my time since then studying spin dynamics in two-dimensional materials using optical techniques. The primary technique I use to study spin dynamics is Time Resolved Kerr Rotation (TRKR), in which a pulse of light is used to excite spins in a material, and then a second time-delayed pulse detects the polarization of the spins at some time later. To assist in understanding the physics governing the spin dynamics, I also use photoluminescence, differential reflectance, and reflectivity, which all help to provide different pieces of information about the physical system.

I have been fascinated by condensed matter systems ever since I was first exposed to them. The fact that individual atoms and molecules can come together to produce a collective property that is different from the individual constituents is incredible to me. In our lab, I am able to study spin and magnetism in these systems, properties which are extremely dependent on the collective behavior of the system. Additionally, the ability to use light to probe this behavior is awesome, and I get to work with lasers and optics every day, which I love doing.

Outside of lab, I like to spend time with my two dogs, read, and exercise.

| Team | Beth Bushong