Year in Review

My first year at Ohio State was very memorable, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I have always been very close to my family, so moving into college was especially nerve wracking for me. Luckily, some of my best friends and my brother attend OSU as well, so these eased my nerves a little. I was in OWL, which I think was a great experience for me to not only meet new people, but to help those who were a little extra nervous, like me :). I have now applied to be an OWL-Coordinator for next autumn! I think it is a great program and highly recommend participating. My transition to college was pretty smooth both academically and with extracurriculars. I am in many clubs such as pre-optometry club and I volunteer with Crosswalk Outreach. I also love to volunteer and get involved with Health Sciences Scholars, as I am a part of that as well.

Through scholars, I have made a ton of lifelong friends and connections. I am very thankful as some of my favorite things to do on the weekends are to spend time with my HSS friends, attend football games, and watch movies. When second semester came, I felt so at home at OSU, and I felt like I never wanted to leave. I was doing well with academics, volunteering, and having a great time with friends. I participated in Buckeyethon and also became CPR certified, which shows you the amount of options that you have to get involved with at Ohio State. I also plan to rush the pre-health sorority next fall. Unfortunately, my freshman year at OSU was cut short, but my professors and instructors really tried to make the transition to online classes as smooth as possible. I love being home with my family, but I miss the classroom setting and a bunch of my friends. I am extremely excited for the rest of my time at The Ohio State University.