A Semester in Review

To say that this was an adventure is an understatement. And the fact of the matter is that this is only just the beginning. In just a couple of months I have made some of the greatest friends that I have ever had. I had some amazing college experiences like the football games and the adventures around the city, exploring my new home. But to say that it was easy would be a lie. College was a giant flip on my world and I had to learn how to actually “college,” so to speak. I had to navigate my way around a place that seemed HUGE and develop a new routine. Coming into college, I had never really studied before and I could easily go through school. College was a giant slap-in-the-face-reality-check. I actually had to learn how to study more effectively, and manage my time better as I realized that I couldn’t really just go with the flow. It was a giant shock because, for the first time, I found myself slightly struggling with the workload and course material. It was a problem I had never faced before and needless to say it set me back for a bit. Nevertheless, I quickly adapted and found my footing. Bio Sci Scholars also held me accountable and made sure that I actually was working hard to maintain a good GPA. Not only that, but the Bio Sci events were really fun and as a result I have made new friendships with others in this Scholars group. Overall, I’d say that it was a pretty fantastic semester, even with the little bumps in the road.

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