Extension and Continuing Education Instruction
2017-present, Fox developed the comprehensive Leadership in the City course, engaging more than 125 university professionals from 31 states
Graduate Course Instruction
2022, COMLDR 4480 Capstone in Leadership, for OSU’s leadership minor led by the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL)
Strategic and Program Planning for Visionary Change AEE 7230, OSU, College of Food Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
Book Chapters
Fox, J. M. (in press). Extension programming to address urban well-being. In M. R. T. de Guzman & H. Hatton-Bowers (Eds.), The role of the social sciences in extension. Cambridge University Press.
Fox, J. “Organizational Entrepreneurship in University Extension: A 100-Year History of Social Entrepreneurship.” Submitted 2014, Social Entrepreneurship. Routledge.
Journal Articles
Kirby Wilkins, J., Bates, J. S., Betz, M. R., Civittolo, D. J., Fox, J., Jones, L. Porfeli, E., Powers-Barker, P., Reister, H., Remley, D., & Wapner, A. (2023). The 2022 State of Ohio Families: Challenges and Promises. Marriage & Family Review, 59(1), 6-35. (Published). Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1080/01494929.2022.2125480
Fox, J., Peterson, D. J., & Cummings, S. R. (2022). Extension Engagement with Urban Communities: Editors’ Introduction to the Urban-Themed Issue of JHSE. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 10(2), 3. Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.54718/ZXJP1708.
Fox, J., Garner, S. (2022). Futuring Perspectives and Practices for Urban Extension. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 05 (02), 22-36. (Published). Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.54718/MBKE5194
Scheer, S. D., Baldwin, T., Michaels, A. R., Fox, J., & Bloir, K. (2022). State Assessment of Demographic Data and Youth Development to Advance 4-H Programs. Journal of Youth Development, 17(1), 175-189. (Published). Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.5195/jyd.2022.1134
Haynes, D. D., Michaels, A., & Fox, J. (2021). OSU Extension in Urban Communities: A Case Study. The Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 17. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.03.17
Michaels, Gaston, Fox, (submitted) Conducting Extension Program Reviews for Organizational Learning. Journal of Extension
Remley, D. T., Sweeney, G., Fox, J., & Meadows, L. J. (2021). Extension’s Potential to Respond to Suburban Food Insecurity. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 9(1), 178-193.
Londo, A., Wilkins, J., Fox, J., & Arnold, J. (2020). The Impacts of Changes to County Educator Position Descriptions on Gender and Educational Diversity. Journal of Extension, 58(3). (Published). Retrieved from: https://joe.org/joe/2020june/rb1.php.
Fox,J. “Collective Approach to Complex Food System Issues, the Case of The Ohio State University.” Metropolitan Universities Journal. Vol. 28, no. 01. (Feb 2017).
Fox, J. “University Influence in Urban Food Systems.” Metropolitan Universities Journal. Vol. 28, no. 01. (Feb 2017).
Fox, J. “Discovering What Makes Urban Extension Unique Within the Interdependent Urban–Rural Continuum.” Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Vol. 05, no. 01. (May 2017).
Fox, J. “What is unique about urban Extension personnel in the city?” Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Vol. 05, no. 01. (May 2017).
Fox, J., Colbert, S, Hogan, M., Rabe, M., Welch, C., Haught, S. “Developing a Community Designed Healthy Urban Food System.” Journal of Extension. (August 2015).
Fox, J., Leeds, R., Barrett, E. “Maps and Apps, mobile media marketing education for food entrepreneurs.” Journal of Extension. (June 2014).
Abstracts and Short Entries
Fox, J. Nyang, D., Erbaugh, M., Worley, C.T., Mbiha, E., “Economic development through entrepreneurship in Tanzania’s agricultural sector,” [Abstract] [Complete Document, ICSBFox]. International Council for Small Business 50th World Conference. Washington: ICSB. (Jun 2005)
Bulletins, Tech Reports and Fact Sheets
Fox, J, (2022) Urban Extension Introductory Guide.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Learning. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Leadership. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Environments. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Innovation and Marketing. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Networking. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Management. Leadership in the City Bulletin Series.
Fox, J. (2019). “Staffing: Preparing the urban Extension workforce,” Leading Edge Dialogue Whitepaper. [Peer-Review] (Published) https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2164/2021/01/Workforce-LED-1.19.21.pdf
The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL), published by the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research and the Extension Foundation
Fox, J., Leeds, R., Barrett, E., Smith, J. Maps, Apps & Mobile Media Marketing. ( Feb 2017)
Fox, J., Powers-Barker, P., Stiving, J., Hogan, M., Colbert, S., Rabe, M., Welch, C., Haught, S. Healthy Food Systems, Learning About Food, Ohio’s Educational Resource (April 2016).
Fox, J. and the National Urban Extension Leaders Steering Committee, A National Framework for Urban Extension, (Dec 2015)
Bowen-Ellzey, N., Fox, J., Nesbitt, R., & Fisher Merkowitz, R. Ohio Tourism Industry Needs Assessment Report (2014)
Fox, J. Social Media Marketing Series, National e-Commerce Extension Initiative – Mobile Media Marketing, Google, Twitter. (2014)
Colbert, S., Fox, J., Hogan, M., Rabe, M., Welch, C., Learning About Food in Urban Communities. (Aug 2013)
Barni, M., Nesbitt, R., Raison, B., Fisher-Merkowitz, R., Bowling, C., Fox, J., Bowen-Ellzey, N., Assessing Food Access and Equity in Ohio. (Nov 2013)
Conference Papers and Proceedings
Fox, J. “Developing a Community Designed Healthy Urban Food System.” Presented at the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY (October 2014)
Fox, J. “Organizational entrepreneurship and the organizational performance linkage in University Extension.” In: 2008 USASBE Proceedings. (Jan 2008). San Antonio: EBSCO Publishing.
Scholarly Presentations
Fox, J. Arnold, M., Powers-Barker, P., Garner, S. (2023). Urban Extension Unscripted. National Urban Extension Leaders, North Central Region Conference. Created and collaboratively facilitated. Madison, WI. [Peer-Reviewed].
Fox, J., Wilkins, J. (2022). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Epsilon Sigma Phi, Urban and Culturally Diverse Audiences Affinity Group. Presented and collaboratively prepared for the national panel.
Fox, J., Garner, S. (2022). Futuring Perspectives and Practices of Urban Extension. National Urban Extension Conference. Camden, NJ. Co-presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Seattle, WA. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Ruemenapp, M., Hales, B., Hoffman, B., Fox, J. (2022). Leading Edge Dialogue Plenary Session. Co-presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Camden, MJ. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Fox, J., Wilkins, J., Debose, N., Haynes, D., Arnett, N., Barrett,.E. (2022). Reimagining the Future of Urban Extension in Ohio. Co-presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Camden, MJ. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Fox, J. (2022). Lead with an Entrepreneurial Advantage. Presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Camden, MJ. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Gaston, M., Barrett, E., Fox, J., (2022). Urban October – A Celebration to Help Strengthen Communities. Co-presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Seattle, WA. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Fox, J. (2022). Extension Engagement with Urban Communities. Presented at the National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC). Camden, MJ. [Peer-Reviewed]. Retrieved from: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/program/conference-agenda
Madhosingh-Hector, R., Fox, J., Morrisroe-Aman, B,. Aitken, M. and Gaolach, B. (2021). Urban Extension Personnel: New Ways to Explore Skills, Competencies and Professional Development. National Joint Extension Professionals Conference.
Aitken, M., Fox, J., Madhosingh-Hector, R., Morrisroe-Aman, B,. and Gaolach, B (2020). Urban Extension Professional Development. Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) National Conference.
Fox, J. (2019). Collaborating for Impact, National Urban Extension Professional Development Summit. San Antonio, TX
Fox, J. (2019). Essential Urban Extension Competencies. National Urban Extension Conference. Seattle, WA
Fox, J. (2018). Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Community, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals. Cleveland, OH
Fox, J. (2017). University Influence in Urban Food Systems. Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Lecture conducted from Denver, CO
Fox, J. (2017). Building Extension’s Human Capacity. National Urban Extension Conference. Lecture conducted from Minneapolis, MN
Fox, J., Presenter. “Entrepreneurial Networking Competencies.” Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Peers within Field. (Jun 2017).
Fox, J., Presenter. “Competency in the City.” Presented at National Urban Extension Conference, Peers within Field. (May 2017).
Fox, J., Presenter. “Ohio’s urban influence.” Presented at OSU Extension Annual Conference (Dec 2016).
Fox, J., Keynote Speaker. “Urban Extension Innovation.” Presented at 2016 Northeast Regional Urban Extension Conference, Peers within Field. Newark, NJ (Nov 2016).
Fox, J., Presenter. “Urban Extension Perspective.” Presented at Southern Extension Region, Program Leaders Network, AEA & ASRED Joint Meeting, Peers within Field. Nashville, TN (Aug 2016).
Burke, T., Proden, P., Fox, J., De Ciantis, D., Panelist. “Urban Innovation: The New Extension Story.” Presented at Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference, Peers within Field. (Apr 2016).
Fox, J., Stiving, J., Meadows, L., Boomershine, B., Hook, L., Keck, C., Debose, N., Remley, D., Moss, M., Panelist. “Innovation in the City.” Presented at OSU Extension Annual Conference (Dec 2015).
Fox, J., “Community Vitality Along the Rural-Urban Continuum.” Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) (Jul 2015)
Fox, J., “Leadership in the City.” Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Little Rock, AR (May 2015)
Fox, J., Ruemenapp, M., “Leadership in the City – Building Urban Extension Capacity and Competencies.” Presented at National Urban Extension Conference, Peers within Field., Atlanta, GA (May 2015)
Rabe, M., Hogan, M., Fox, J., Colbert, S. “A Community Designed Healthy Food System.” Presented at National Health Outreach Conference, Atlanta, GA (May 2015)
Fox, J., Goalach, B., Presenter. “Leadership in the City, the history and future of urban Extension.” Presented at Joint Council of Extension Professionals Leadership (JCEP) Conference, Peers within Field., Las Vegas, NV (Feb 2015)
Fox, J., Bergefurd, B. “Collaborative Approaches for Food Entrepreneur Development” Presented at the National Value-Added Agriculture Conference, Baltimore, MD (May 2014)
Fox, J., Presenter. “The connection between social media and social capital.” National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals Annual Conference, Park City, UT (May 2013)
Fox, J., Nyange, D., Erbaugh, M., Worley, T., Mbiha, E. (2003). Economic Development Through Entrepreneurship in Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector. Presented at the International Council of Small Business (ICSB).
Recorded Webinars and Presentations
Fox., J. (July 2016). Competency in the City, National Urban Extension Leaders and the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research
Fox, J., & Thomas, J. (Dec., 2015). Extension in the City Quick Hit Session, National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP) Conference- NAEPSDP Powerpoint
Fox, J., (Aug 2015). OSU Extension in the City, National Urban Extension Leaders and the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research
Fox, J., (Feb 2013). Top 10 Trends and Cool Tools in Social Media, eXtension
Fox, J., (Jan 2012). Maps, Apps & Mobile Media Marketing, eXtension
Digital Creative Works
OSU Extension in the City Blog
OSU Extension in the City Website
Organizational Entrepreneurship and the Organizational Performance Linkage in University Extension (2005)