1830’s ukiyo-e (woodblock prints)
- Background of ukiyo-e
- ukiyo-e by Utagawa (Andō) Hiroshige
- ukiyo-e and the Tōkaidō Road (all versions by Utagawa (Andō) Hiroshige)
- The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road (1833-34 version)
- Interactive map with comparison of all versions of each station of the Tōkaidō Road prints by Utagawa (Andō) Hiroshige
- Database of all ukiyo-e prints
1920’s Tōkaidō Manga Scroll
- Background of the Tōkaidō Manga Scroll
- Tōkaidō Manga Scroll Video:
- Translation:
- Artist: Shimokawa Hekoten
- Artists with their red flag crossing by open-air automobile the Tama River over the Rokokubashi.
Vocabulary List
- Kawasaki (川崎, かわさき)
- kawa (川, かわ) – A river; stream
- hashi (橋, はし) – A bridge
- hata (旗, はた) – Flag; banner
- yōfuku (洋服, ようふく) – Western-style clothing
- Vocabulary List of all Tōkaidō Stations
Present Day
- Interactive map of Tōkaidō with contemporary photographs
- Kawasaki
- “The Old Tokaido” (Day 1) Youtube Link
- (Covers stations (1-3): Nihonbashi, Shinagawa, Kawasaki)