G.O.A.L.S. For My Honors Contract

Global Awareness

One way I increase my global awareness is through coursework. I have been working towards completing a Spanish minor, as I have studied this language since I was in kindergarten. I intend to round it out by completing a study abroad in Lima, Peru next summer, which will give me cultural and linguistic immersion that I cannot achieve at OSU. I would also like to get more involved with the SPPO department; specifically, I want to go to the SPPO club, attend more department events, and make use of their learning center. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy learning other languages, primarily with online resources like Duolingo and HiNative. This allows me to fully enjoy media from other countries and cultures. Lately I’ve been listening to Brazilian music, and from time to time I read German and Italian newspapers. I also pay attention to some international news.


Original Inquiry

So far, I have joined Dr. Antonio Boveia’s experimental particle physics group in the physics department. I have completed some data analysis tutorials under his guidance, and I’m in the process of figuring out an exact research project for me to work on with him and his postdoc Dr. Emma Tolley. Additionally, this summer I will be participating in an eight week REU program at Northern Illinois University, also doing an experimental particle physics project. I hope to have enough experience by my senior year to complete an honors thesis.


Academic Enrichment

My Honors Contract demonstrates academic enrichment in its scope and rigor. I am planning on completing far more than the minimum 121 credits required (in fact, I anticipate to have more than 121 credits that are upper division alone), and I am double majoring in physics and mathematics, and double minoring in music and Spanish. I chose physics as my major because this is the subject that has captured and retained my interest the most out of anything else I have tried. I think it is one of the most fundamental fields of study as it seeks to scientifically approach our understanding of the universe. I decided to add a math major as well as it complements physics, and I enjoy learning about the subject in general and doing recreational math in my free time. I chose a music minor because this is my favorite hobby and art form, and I can’t imagine not exploring it further. This is also true for my Spanish minor, although it is also a continuation of my language studies that I started as a kindergartner in a dual language program. I also really enjoy linguistics in general, so I hope to complete a few GEs in this subject. I also signed up for Philosophy Club as a research credit this past semester because I couldn’t imagine graduation without philosophy on my transcript, although sadly I don’t have time for a full class.


Leadership Development

I am currently involved in quite a number of student groups at OSU (SPS, Sigma Pi Sigma, Radical Pi, Philosophy Club, Community Orchestra, Ukulele Club, JAM) and am interested in exploring more. I held the vice presidency of Ukulele Club this past year, which I will continue to hold next year, and I am president-elect of SPS. Leading SPS in particular will help me achieve my goal of bettering the undergraduate physics community at OSU, and will give me experience leading a physics related group, which I hope to do eventually as a career.


Service Engagement

In my first semester at OSU, I volunteered at an elementary school with the OSU Ukulele Club to run an after school music program. Since January of this year, I have been volunteering at the Pets Without Parents animal shelter on a monthly basis. I plan on continuing to volunteer at the shelter, and I have been looking into working with Community Refugee and Immigration Services as well as any STEM outreach events the physics department may be involved in. However, I feel like I do not have enough time to do all the service work I would like to, so realistically I will just be working with the animals.

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