My G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness:

To work toward global awareness, I plan on pursuing a Spanish minor. The courses I plan to take for the minor will expose me to literature, culture, and music from around the Spanish-speaking world. Additionally, I would like to study abroad, either somewhere in Latin America or Spain to enhance my Spanish experience.


Original Inquiry:

I plan on doing research in physics. I’m not sure which area at the moment, but I find particle and nuclear physics interesting. When I’m a senior, I’d like to complete an honors thesis in physics research.


Academic Enrichment:

I have used my academic plan to create a program for myself that focuses on my main academic interests: STEM, philosophy, linguistics, and music. I chose physics as my major because it seems like the most important field of study. I think understanding the nature of the universe from a scientific standpoint is not just a goal for myself, but for all of humanity, and I’d like to contribute to that effort. That’s also why I’d like to do a philosophy minor. A scientific approach to the world is good, but it’s also important to think about how we go about doing science and what assumptions we make. I’m choosing to pursue a Spanish minor because I have been studying Spanish since kindergarten when I was enrolled in a dual language program, and I’d like to continue studying the language and associated cultures. Additionally, it falls under my interest of linguistics. I’m also choosing to do a math minor to complement my physics curriculum, and also because I find math interesting and satisfying from a pure intellectual way. The variety and amount of coursework I plan to take exposes me to useful topics in both STEM and the humanities.


Leadership Development:

I am currently involved in several student organizations. When I was in high school, I was in charge of two clubs and I would like to hold leadership positions in college clubs as well later on. I would also like to explore leadership opportunities in physics research, although that is unlikely to happen as an undergraduate.


Service Engagement:

I currently volunteer at an elementary school through the OSU Ukulele Club to teach kids ukulele. I am also interested in volunteering at hospitals or STEM and other music programs for children.

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