

  • Global Awareness: I grew up taking dance lessons, so I joined the DanceSport Club at Ohio State, which teaches and competes American and International styles of ballroom dancing. Through this club I have had the opportunity to learn the moves and the cultures of new dances such as Quickstep, Slow Foxtrot, Jive, and Samba.
  • Original Inquiry: Being an honors zoology major, I plan to purse research in zoology sometime as an upperclassman when I have completed my zoology major prerequisites.
  • Academic Enrichment: I plan to remain in the honors program, which encourages me to take honors courses that focus on critical thinking skills and expanding my base of knowledge.
  • Leadership Development: Being a leader doesn’t always involve an official leadership position. For example, DanceSport at OSU is a club sport team, which means that it represents the Ohio State University in regional competitions. Although I do not have a leadership position with this team, I still act as a leader by representing the buckeye community overtime I compete.
  • Service Engagement: Next semester I plan to participate in Buckeyethon, which raises funds to combat pediatric cancer. I also plan on spending my summers volunteering.