True Colors Reflection

The “True Colors” personality assessment categorizes you into one of four colors: Orange, Gold, Green, and Blue. Each one of these groups have their own strengths, as well as their own weaknesses. If you know what group the people in your team, company, program, etc. are in then you can take steps to help create a more diverse as well as better achieving team.

For example, in the military the smallest organized group you have is the team. The team is comprised of four people each with a different position to play based on their strengths, but they work together despite their differences to accomplish the mission. It wouldn’t be that smart of an idea to put people with the same mindset (group color) all in one team; they might get along very well, but if they all think in the same way and that way doesn’t work for a certain situation then the mission won’t get completed.  You need some people who can plan the mission, as well as people who can think on their feet when the mission doesn’t go as planned.

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