Online Technologies


Trello is an app students can use to keep track of things they need to complete. It allows a student to create something akin to a corkboard but used for the purpose of listing to-do items. An advantage of using this app is that it can help keep someone up to date with work and/or other things that need to be completed. A disadvantage I’ve found is that it can make some feel overwhelmed by looking at the number of things they may need to complete.


Notability is an app students use to take notes for classes or other things they may wish to. It offers the ability to write or type notes without having to use multiple notebooks for separate classes. One of the major advantages is the ability to download PDFs and PowerPoint slides to the app and allowing you to edit them. One disadvantage of the app is how cluttered things can become when you add a lot of different notes from different classes. There are times I find it hard to locate notes I have taken on the app previously.



Study Scheduler


This is an app that allows the user to input specific times they plan to set aside to study for a class or do homework. While it does a great job of reminding the student about the time they’ve listed to do their studying, it isn’t really desirable to use. A disadvantage I’ve come to notice is that when inputting times a student plans to study, you have to do so in the future and the future is subject to change. Some people may not be able to actually study at the time they put into the app. One advantage is the app’s capability to track noise levels around you as well as your progress.