Freshwater Resources


Download the Freshwater Resources Lecture Presentation


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Click on the icon in the upper right hand corner to view all of the videos in the Youtube playlist.


Additional Resources:

Objective 1: Identify where Earth’s freshwater is located and how much is accessible for human use.

I’ve chosen the following resources to support this objective:


Objective 2: Summarize freshwater uses by humans (agriculture, industry, domestic).

I’ve chosen the following resources to support this objective:


Objective 3: Quantify your water footprint and identify the pathways o water consumption by humans.

I’ve chosen the following resources to support this objective:






Objective 4: Recognize the limitations and challenges that exist for protection and managing freshwater resources.

I’ve chosen the following resources to support this objective:

Wastewater Processing


Water Scarcity and The Water Crisis

  • Explained | World’s Water Crisis  | FULL EPISODE | Netflix | 19 minutes
    • Note: Turn on closed captioning for Spanish translation.


  • PBS. The Molecule that Made Us | Global Consequences of Drought | 6 minutes
    • Optional follow up from Explained episode above. Scroll down to video.
    • Trigger warning: describes war in graphic detail


Drinking Water Standards