“On November 8th, INFORMS@OSU hosted Brianna Bors of Trane Technologies (NYSE:TT) to learn more about the company’s initiatives relating to engineering initiatives, project management, and how they foster a more sustainable world environment in the HVAC and building management systems sector. Our members learned about several esteemed positions targeted at undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students, ranging from construction project management to data analysis co-ops and several full-time roles. We’re very thankful for Trane technologies’ insights into what students can do with their related studies, and we hope to continue a partnership in the future!
Additionally, our members were able to pose with our Magna Cum Laude award we received at the Phoenix, Arizona INFORMS conference (see below)! For more information on our award, click here: [https://u.osu.edu/informsosu/2023/11/05/we-win-the-informs-student-chapter-award/]