Theoretical Math Concentration

Also known as “pure” mathematics, the Theoretical Math concentration explores the basic concepts and structure beneath many math topics ranging from geometry to analysis.

With elective options constructed as part of the Theoretical Math concentration along with communication, writing, and critical thinking skills provided through English coursework, students are able to personalize the major to meet the needs of their future career/academic goals or to highlight particular fields of interest.

Suggested minors and double majors

Students can pair virtually any minor or major at OSU with the IMME Theoretical program.

The most popular areas of study to pair with the IMME Theoretical concentration are Communications, Computer Science, Economics, and Statistics. Please note, students completing the IMME major are not permitted to complete an English or Mathematics minor or double major.

IMME Theoretical Math Concentration Requirements

The following required coursework allows the student to explore the basic concepts and structure beneath math topics ranging from geometry to analysis, and articulate these topics to highlight particular fields of interest.

Students may review the requirements for the IMME Theoretical Math Concentration below and on the IMME Theoretical Math Concentration Requirements [pdf] handout.

Prerequisite Courses

  • Econ 2001.01 Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • Econ 2002.01 Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
  • Math 1151 Calculus I (5 cr.)
  • Math 1152 Calculus II (5 cr.)
  • Math 1295 Introductory Math Seminar (1 cr.)

Theoretical Math Concentration Requirements

  • CSE 2111 Modeling and Problem Solving with Spreadsheets and Databases (3 cr.)
  • Math 2153 Calculus III (4 cr.)
  • Math 2255 Differential Equations and Their Applications (3 cr.)
  • Math 2568 Linear Algebra (3 cr.)
  • Math 3345 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (3 cr.)
  • Math 4530 Probability (3 cr.) or Stat 4201 Introduction to Math Statistics I (4 cr.)
  • Math 4547 Introductory Analysis I (3 cr.)
  • Math 4580 Abstract Algebra I (3 cr.)
  • English/Math 4420 Capstone Course for Integrated Major in Mathematics and English (3 cr.)
  • English 2269 Digital Media Composing (3 cr.)
  • English Methods Course (choose one of the following)
    • English 2270 Intro to Folklore (3 cr.)
    • English 3379 Methods for the Study of Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy (3 cr.)
    • English 3398 Methods for the Study of Literature (3 cr.)
  • Diversity in English Studies Course (choose one of the following)
    • English 4577.01 Folklore: Groups & Communities (3 cr.)
    • English 4580 Topics in LGBTQ Literatures/Cultures (3 cr.)
    • English 4581 Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures (3 cr.)
    • English 4582 Topics in African-American Literature (3 cr.)
    • English 4586 Studies in American Indian Literature/Culture (3 cr.)
    • English 4587 Studies in Asian American Literature/Culture (3 cr.)
    • English 4588 Studies in Latino/a Literature/Culture (3 cr.)
    • English 4589 Studying the Margins: Power, Language, & Culture (3 cr.)
    • English 4592 Topics in Women in Literature and Culture (3 cr.)
    • English 4597.01 Disability Experience in the Contemporary World (3 cr.)
    • English 4601 Language & the Black Experience (3 cr.)
  • One English Elective Course at the 3000-level or higher (3 cr.)
  • Three English Elective Courses at the 4000-level or higher (9 cr.)