IA Event: IA/PSL Late Night Breakfast

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015
9:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Smith-Steeb Hall, Steeb side Basement

For our last event of the semester, the IA Scholars are partnering with the PSL Scholars to bring you a Late Night Breakfast! Come on over to the Smith Side kitchen for some delicious food and a much needed study break! See you all there!

EDIT: The location for the event has been changed from the Smith side Kitchen to the Steeb side Basement.

Final IA Events of November!

(#3) UN Sustainable Development Goals Video & Discussion

In partnership with the Mount Leadership Scholars, next Tuesday we will be watching a video and having a discussion on the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; which are aimed at stimulating action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet.

Click here to RSVP. Deadline to RSVP is Sunday, Nov. 15 at 5pm.

Nov. Event #3

(#4) Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo

Our final event for the month will be an Arts and Sciences Scholars trip to the Columbus Zoo for their Wildlights event, which features millions of LED lights and 3 animated light shows! Transportation from campus will be provided to the first 40 students to RSVP, although other students are welcome to come if they provide their own transportation. Admission is 5 canned goods; to be donated to the Stuff A Truck Food Drive.

Click here to RSVP. Deadline to RSVP is Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 5pm.

Nov. Event #4