IA Scholars Leadership Council Application Information, 2019-2020

Interested in applying to be a member on the IA Scholar Leadership Council (“The LC”)? Here is what you need to know and what you need to do!

Step 1: Review the Leadership Council Application Information

Step 2: Apply using this Google Form (applications are due by February 15, 2019 by 5:00 PM)

Current members of the LC are hosting coffee hours for people who are interested in applying and want to chat about their position. Stop by and say hi! The calendar can be found here: IA LC Coffee Hours.

After you have applied, you can expect to hear back on next steps by the beginning of March. This will include a 30-45 minute on-campus interview to learn more about you, your application materials, and what you would bring to the LC for the upcoming year. The goal is to announce the incoming LC by the first week of April.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Sam Harris, IA Chair, at harris.4373@osu.edu or Steven Blalock, Program Manager, at Blalock.33@osu.edu. 

IA Scholars Attend Education Abroad Expo

On September 4th, The Office of International Affairs hosted the annual Education Abroad Expo in the Ohio Union.  The Expo showcases Ohio State programs, including semester exchange programs, summer programs, and those provided by third-party providers.  Pictured below are two first-year IA Scholars discussing the Scholars Brazil 2019 trip with faculty leader Dr. Lucia Costigan from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.


For more information on Scholars Brazil, click here.

IA Scholars Discuss Economic Crisis in Venezuela

On Sunday, August 26th, IA Scholars discussed the current economic crisis in Venezuela with the IA Scholars Academic Events Chair, Sam Stelnicki.  Several times throughout the semester, IA Scholars join together for “Current Events Conversations” on select topics in international politics, culture, public policy, and more.

IA Scholars Give Back in Annual Community Service Event

Several IA Scholars participated in the annual Community Commitment Pay It Forward event on Saturday, August 26th.  Each year, over 50 community service sites and projects partner with Ohio State for multiple daylong community service projects.  This year, IA Scholars traveled to the  Cat Welfare Association; the association is dedicated to the care of and education about cats and kittens. Our pledge is to cherish, nurture and provide veterinary care for homeless, abused, injured, and abandoned felines.

IA Scholars First Year Retreat

On Sunday, August 19th, the first-year IA Scholars cohort traveled to SuperGames in Worthington for a series of teambuilding activities designed to build community, allow for the first years to meet each other, and kick off the fall semester.  The annual retreat is a great opportunity for Scholars to get to know each other before classes start and the semester gets underway.

Week 14 Update

The following information was sent out in an email on 4/25/17, and has been added to the events calendar. Happy Reading Day! Good luck on all your exams, Jen and the Leadership Council are rooting for you!

HSPB Presents: Kool-Aid and Cram (1 point)
Tuesday, April 25, 1:00 – 5:00 pm, Kuhn House Room 
Can’t find a seat in the library? Looking for a snack to get you through studying? Come to the HSPB Kool-Aid and Cram on reading day! Pizza, coffee, and of course, Kool-Aid, will be offered in Kuhn House. Make your own trail mix to go! Designated quiet study space will also be available in the house, so feel free to bring some books and cram for a while.
IA Finals Study Tables (1 point)
Friday, April 28, 12:00 – 4:00 pm, Kuhn House Room 110
Searching for a spot to study to study during finals? Look no further! IA will be holding study tables at the Kuhn House on Friday from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.  Snacks will be provided. Best of luck on your exams!