IA Scholars Give Back in Annual Community Service Event

Several IA Scholars participated in the annual Community Commitment Pay It Forward event on Saturday, August 26th.  Each year, over 50 community service sites and projects partner with Ohio State for multiple daylong community service projects.  This year, IA Scholars traveled to the  Cat Welfare Association; the association is dedicated to the care of and education about cats and kittens. Our pledge is to cherish, nurture and provide veterinary care for homeless, abused, injured, and abandoned felines.

Welcome Back IA Scholars!

The following information was sent out in an email from Jen, and has also been added to the Upcoming Events page.

IA Meetings
Wednedays 6:00-7:30 pm in Hagerty Hall 180
Our meetings this semester will be Wednesday evenings in Hagerty Hall 180. First years need to only attend community meetings (monthly), second years need to attend community meetings as well a monthly 2nd year meeting. If you have a conflict, contact Jen (shields-mcleod.1) directly.

Here is a complete schedule of what meetings happen on what weeks. You are responsible for this information so please put it in your calendar.

August 24th

2nd Year Meeting

August 31st

Community Meeting

September 14th

2nd Year Meeting

September 28th

Community Meeting

October 12th

2nd Year Meeting

October 26th

Community Meeting

November 9th

2nd Year Meeting

November 16th

Community Meeting


Mondays from 1:00pm-2:00pm and Thursdays 9:00am-11:00am  in the Smith-Steeb Scholars office 
Jen will hold weekly office hours every Monday and Thursday this semester. The Smith-Steeb Scholars is located on the Steeb side lobby by the vending machines.


Community Commitment (3 points)
Saturday, August 27th, 8:30am-2pm, Meet in Smith Steeb Lobby
Join other IA students and give back to the community by participating in Community Commitment on Saturday. Meet in the lobby at 8:30 am. More info can be found at welcomeweek.osu.edu

H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco to Visit Ohio State and Deliver Remarks on Sustainability (2 points)
Wednesday, August 31st, doors open at 2:30pm, event starts at 3:30 pm, Mershon Auditorium
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, a long-time supporter of global environmental and sustainability issues, will visit The Ohio State University on Wed., Aug. 31, presenting a lecture focusing on climate change, biodiversity, and access to clean water at 3:30 pm at Mershon Auditorium (Wexner Center of Arts).

Greek Festival (1 point)
Friday, September 2nd, Meet at 5:30 in the Smith-Steeb lobby
Experience the culture and food of Greece at the annual Greek Festival. The festival runs all weekend (9/2-9/5) at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral downtown, and includes food, music, dancing, shopping, and cultural exhibits.  Tickets are $5 at the door, and be sure to bring spending money!  Meet at 5:30pm in the Smith-Steeb lobby to ride the #2 COTA bus downtown with other IA Scholars.

Scholars Intramural Softball (3 points)
The All Scholars intramural sport to start the year is softball!  Come play with your fellow IA Scholars against teams from other Scholars programs.  Teams are co-ed, so we need males and females.  Games will be played on Sundays beginning September 11 from 6:45pm-9:45pm (some weeks will be doubleheaders).  Contact Doug Urbancsik to sign up no later than Thursday, September 1st.

Other Campus Announcements

Digital Sandbox Workshops (2 points)
The Media, Marketing and Communication Scholars runs workshops throughout the year with varying themes.  View the complete list of workshops and descriptions here.  There is also a workshop for Unreal Engine, for anyone interested in working in the gaming industry.  Workshops start the week of August 29, 2016 and require no sign up, just show up.  You may receive IA points for participating so please make sure to complete the reflection

HSPB Application Info:
Are you interested in building a stronger Honors and Scholars community?  Do you enjoy planning events? Apply to the Honors and Scholars Programming Board (HSPB)!

HSPB is a student-led, staff-guided, entity of the Honors & Scholars Center.  Students plan and execute programs and opportunities for their peers around the G.O.A.L.S. framework.  As a board member, you will participate in meaningful and relevant leadership experiences based in experiential learning, critical thinking, and creativity, while building a collaborative and driven community.

Applications are due Friday, September 2 at 5pm and can be found here.

Collegiate Council on World Affairs (CCWA)
Our first meeting is this Tuesday, August 23rd, at 7:30PM. Our weekly meetings will be in room 0080 of Derby Hall.

CCWA consists of three aspects: Model United Nations Conferences, UNA-USA, and The Alger Magazine (a student run publication). Students from all majors gather to discover and discuss international relations, with a 100% guaranteed good time.

To check out more, “like” us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ccwaosu/ or check out http://www.ccwaosu.org! From there you can also check out recent Alger Magazine posts.

Upcoming new member events will be:

-New member meetings, Wednesdays (August 24th, August 31st, September 7th, and September 14th) at 7:30pm. Stay tuned for the location.

-New member dinner, Thursday, August 25th at 6pm. Location is TBD.

-Ice cream social, following the meeting August 31st.

-Jeopardy!, Saturday, August 27th at 2pm. Location is TBA.

(Dates are subject to change. Stay updated by attending weekly meetings.)

OUAB Info Sessions 
The Ohio Union Activities Board (otherwise known as OUAB) is the student programming organization at the Ohio State University. Our mission is to provide diverse programs and events that are educational, entertaining and thought provoking for the students of the Columbus Campus. We strive to create a fun, accessible and challenging environment for our members in order to empower each member to change and shape the lives of fellow students while strengthening our own leadership skills and fostering personal growth.  Attend an information session to learn more about how you can get involved:

Tuesday August 23rd: Ohio Union-Cartoon Room 6PM

Wednesday August 24th: Ohio Union-Bank Theater 4PM

Thursday August 25th: Ohio Union-Cartoon Room 6PM

The Ohio Union Activities Board application can be found at http://ouab.osu.edu/join_ouab and will close September 2nd at 11:59PM

Student Advocacy Center & Multicultural Center at Ohio State

On campus over the next four to five years you will experience both the highs and lows of being a college student. Two great resources to help you go through those and to better understand the students, both in IA and across campus are the Student Advocacy Center (advocacy.osu.edu) and the Multicultural Center (multiculturalcenter.osu.edu).

multiculturalcenter logo-osu

Honors & Scholars Launch and Kuhnival Event

The Honors & Scholars Launch and Second-Year Kuhnival Event are great ways for IA Scholars to interact and meet follow Honors & Scholars students who are not in their scholars group. While it is important to build community with your own cohort, it is great to see there are many others on campus doing similar things as you! The Honors & Scholars Launch will take place immediately after the IA Welcome Event and we will go there together as a group. The Second-Year Kuhnival event will take place on Monday, August 24th at 12:00PM at the Kuhn House. Look for more information from the Center moving forward!


IA Welcome Event: August 23rd!!

The official International Affairs Welcome Event for first-year IA Scholars will take place on Sunday, August 23rd at 1:30PM in the Browning Amphitheature behind the Kuhn Honors & Scholars House. This will be a great time for all the incoming IA Scholars to meet and get to know each other while also introducing them to Beau and the Leadership Council. We look forward to seeing you all there!
