Surprise After Exploring

It was the last week of our winter break in January 2019 when me and two of my friends, Vianna and Laura decided to go out and explore Kenny Center that is located near campus. We decided to go out on this day as it will be the last time we will get to enjoy ourselves and also because Laura was just released from the hospital, so we decided to take her out. In Kenny Center, there are various stores and restaurants that were geared towards Japanese culture, and we took a huge interest in looking at the different foods and gifts that were displayed in each shop.

We stopped at one store called J.Avenue, which is a store that mainly sells gifts and stationary from Japan. As we were looking around, I had stopped upon the earring section and saw that there was a wide array of assorted earrings that were of unique shapes and designs. Laura came over and we started comparing the different styles of earrings with each other and after a while, we decided on a pair that I had assumed was going to be for her.

We went back to the car to decide our next destination when she handed me a small paper bag with the earrings we had chosen. She had written a small note on the bag which had told me that these earrings were not chosen for her, but for me instead as a late Christmas present. I felt guilty that she was buying something for me when the purpose of the whole day out was mainly to celebrate her release from the hospital. Because of this, we all in the end treated each other to different items from the stores we visited as our late Christmas presents to each other to commemorate this relaxing day out.

One thought on “Surprise After Exploring

  1. Here you can peel back layer after layer of ideas, follow new and exciting threads and arrive somewhere unexpected but totally right for you .The effect of surprise on exploratory behavior was significantly mediated by curiosity but not by confusion, after correct and incorrect answers.

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