Academic Enrichment

This past year, I have been given the opportunity to teach young individuals, to learn from highly-qualified professors, and to experience hands-on practices through academic and research labs. I am genuinely grateful for these opportunities and I hope to see both academic growth and mental growth from these learning positions. Being able to teach is one of the most challenging skills someone can face because you must be able to understand the subject from other people’s perspectives, know the ins and outs of the topic and other related subjects, and have the patience and qualifications to communicate with young people. I have probably learned most about a subject by teaching young students and I admire their curiosity and drive to learn. They are the ones who motivate me to learn so I can teach others.

As a new member of a research lab through the Wexner Medical Center, I have been mentally challenged to absorb as much information as I can in my field while carrying out my own experiments. This has been one of the steepest learning peaks I’ve ever experienced but I am excited to continue to learn, to make my own discoveries, and to continue on this journey of growth.