
Maintaining motivation

This blog is meant for the younger students.  The most useful thing that I learned in this module was that you need to keep motivation going so you can complete the tasks that are at hand.  One of the things that I am good at is having the motivation to start a topic and keep it going for awhile.  This is good because to me the hardest part is to actually start doing what you want to do but once I get going it is not hard for me to just roll with it until it is done.  The part that I need to work on is finishing the task at hand.  This is hard for me because I often get bored through an assignment, class, or work.  To help myself with this I often tend to change scenery and go to a different location.  This helps flip my mind and then I get right back at it.  The advice that I would give to students is that motivation is a thing that comes and goes.  When you have motivation take full advantage of it because you never know when you will run out of it.  Motivation will forever be the key to success with out it you will find yourself behind in a lot of your endeavors.

Researching and writing papers

This blog is for the younger students out there that are looking for advice when looking up sources and writing papers.  One of the most useful things that I learned from this module was one how to write papers and what sources to use that are credible.  Credible sources is a huge part of writing any paper.  There is also information that has to do with research also.  One of the things that I am pretty good at is researching my materials.  I often find good research and find out a lot of key points that sticks out to me in my writing.  The part that I do not do good with is how to put that information in order from start to finish in my paper.  When I write a paper I normally just write what I am thinking at that moment.  This leads to my papers being very scattered.  My advice for someone who is getting ready to write a paper would be to plan out your paper and do some really tough research because that will only help you create a great paper.  Some of my greatest papers have come when I spend hours upon hours researching exactly what I want to put into my paper.  The part that I need to get better at is planning out my paper.

Note taking

This essay is meant for the younger students.  The most useful thing that I learned throughout this module is how to take notes and take them effectively.  Believe it or not there is actually a way to take good notes.  There are also different ways to take notes too. That is what I put into good practice.  My note taking skills are pretty good in my opinion.  It works out pretty good for me when I have homework and projects to work on.  The thing that I need to work on though is shortening my notes and instead of writing out every single word I write out a phrase that tells me in the information that i need to know.  When I take notes I often write out every little thing that there is.  Then i miss something on the next topic of discussion and that is not good at all.  The thing that i would tell someone would be to make sure that you have practiced what kind of note taking skills you prefer.  Whether that be for studying for an exam or whether that be working on a project either. The more time you put into your notes the better you will be later on.

Online study tools module 4

This blog post is for the young students. This week we learned about online study tools and the best way to get the most out of your online study habits.  Some of the most useful things that I got out of this week was the different ways to actually study online.  For myself I am normally a paper and pencil learner so this week was a little different for myself.  I learned that there are many ways to retain information and although I need to find out which is best for me.  I do put some of the things like the timeline into chronological order and that helps me get a visual of the order in which things happen.  They helped me understand the information better and it really translated over when I took an exam.  The information that I need to work on is a long list but I would work on actually studying for an exam online instead of studying on paper.  I’m trying to do more online than on paper.  The advice I would give someone is that I would take new ideas like this one and gradually work yourself into it.  I know for me it gets hard to try something new and stick with it just because the old way felt more comfortable.  Sometimes the old ways are not the best ways so we must try out the new method and go into it with open arms and make the best of it.

One of the most useful things that I learned from this module was that time management is not a thing to hurt you but it will help you.  The better time management you have and the less procrastination you have the less stress you have in your life.  I am pretty good at time management where as I know what I am supposed to do at the time i am supposed to do it but I am not good when it comes to actually doing the things I have assigned myself to do.  I need to be better at actually doing what is expected of myself at the time slots that I have selected.  This will be crucial in the future when you are constantly running around from point a to point b with your job, family, and other miscellaneous activities.  Some advice that i would give to someone is make a strict schedule out for yourself and follow it to a T.  IF you do this then life and college will be less stressful for you.  Life is supposed to be enjoyable and the way you make that happen is if you stay organized and work hard to do it.  Good things come to those who work hard.