Searching and Researching

The most useful thing that I have learned from this module is putting together a resource guidebook. It is such a simple idea, but I feel that it has tremendous upside potential for the little effort that you have to put into the project. It is also something that can be accessed and modified at any point in time. I have already used the resources from Career and Counseling Services, which is a resource that I have in my guidebook from Module 1 on campus resources. I will continue to use it in the future, and constantly add resources that should be used for my endeavors in the near future.

I feel that the guidebook is specifically useful for students and resources for the classes that they will be taking. For students, however; I feel that the list should be updated a little more frequently than if you are a working professional. However, that is solely my opinion based on the fact the OSU students take a new set of classes every semester. You can rotate the resources in your guidebook and sort them by class. Even though it is my opinion that the guidebook is more useful on average for students, it might be deemed useful by a person at any walk of life who just needs a database of useful references and resources.

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