
Online Collaboration( learning artifacts )

With the development of social media, online communication has become an everyday experience. And as always, problems come with it. In the process of online collaboration, the problems that appear in face-to-face group collaboration are more magnified online. From my experience, the biggest challenge in collaboration is how to assign tasks appropriately. Since the people be signed in a group usually don’t know each other. Which means we don’t know what everyone’s strength on the working project. That causes even we breakdown the project into different parts but we properly not able to assign the parts to people effectively. In other words, the parts assigned to the members who do not satisfied with it could not be dedication.
The reason why the situation above always happens is that we are lack of communication, which cause information asymmetry, we have no way to know what kind of operations method the other prefers and their expertise.
Through my experiences in group cases, the most effective solution is to get to know your team members in advance. Communicate with them before we start the project, for example, introduce your expertise and offer your opinion about the project to group members. That allows us to classify tasks efficiently, also have a preview of the project structure.
As the rise of cloud storage in recent years has made it easier for us to do an online collaboration, like Google doc or buckeyebox. Those technologies give us the ability to share our processes with other members in real-time. Meanwhile during the online collaboration process, we not only can get others’ opinions but also could learn from others’ strengths and offers to the student learning resources that are beyond their individual repertoires (Wilson, Anderson, Peluso, Priest, & Speer, 2009).
– READING Conflict Management (Lisk & Quartuccio, 2010): AU19 ESLTECH 2011 – Keys Online Succes (13641). (2019). Retrieved 24 November 2019, from

Resource Evaluation( learning artifacts )

As college students, we need to search for resources online almost every day and write some articles every week. That is to say we need to look at a lot of literature. But we often encounter a lot of problems in the retrieval process. For example, we want to look for other questions related to a topic or find some similar article material. A large part of what causes these problems is our lack of relevant experience. We don’t know how to search correctly and efficiently for what we need. Even if we found the relevant information we needed, we could not find the complete article, the date, and place of publication of the article.
But how did these difficulties happen? A big part of the problem with this situation is that we don’t use the right search methods. We need a lot of professional literature in the writing of the article, which also adds great difficulty to our searching process. Because we need to find professional websites or book stacks that we can use, but how do we find these websites?How to search for related questions?How to correctly mark the information about the articles we have selected?
So how can we solve those problems, I think the best way is to use 5 w to analyze the research result. as we have learned this week in our module, We could use “5 W” to carry out efficient retrieval, greatly improve the efficiency of our induction of information.We first determine what we’re searching for. And then find out where it was published,Find out when it was published, then look again for the author’s name. Finally find a summary of the book. In this way, we can get the information we need in a very short time.
– nettutorOSUL. (2014, March 13). Source Evaluation. Retrieved from

Online Reading( learning artifacts )

Everyone reads, learns and thinks in life. Good notes will always help you better to make improvements. Taking notes is of utmost importance. It can help you read a book better, study more efficiently, summarize yourself, record your heart, your inspiration…
When it comes to note-taking, there’s always a paper/electronic debate, but that’s not the most important thing, The key is to set up suitable ways for their own set of notes system.
I mostly use Evernote. the traditional note-taking software, I used the functions include later reading, article collection, personal notes, lecture collection, diary and work records. It turns out that’s not a good idea. Although Evernote officially says you can do everything with one app, I currently feel that in terms of efficiency, it’s probably better to split up several apps though.
In order to make it more efficiency, I divide the Evernote group into three sections:
1: pending – as the default notebook, the unfinished and archived contents, and the incomplete contents are left here, which can be easily entered, viewed and digested through the quick star sign.
2: subdivision of the notebooks- this according to your own needs to do, the notebook is suggested to have mutual independence, because each subject can only be in one note, so the notebook classification needs to be absolutely clear, not fuzzy boundary. For example, I only divided my personal articles, work records, lecture notes and reading notes into four notebooks. It’s important to note that the subdivided notebook is a place to store your organized knowledge or collections, not a place to trash or read later.
3:archiving- exists as a group of notebooks, It’s mainly a memo to remind me or a flash of ideas, even a photoshoot, and a lot of little notes. The reason I don’t leave them in the backlog is that they might be useful in the near future, but it doesn’t matter when they will be useful, so I don’t want to let them distract me too much.

– Watkins, R. (2004). Online Readings: Gaining the Most from What You Read. In G. M. Piskurich (Ed.), Getting the most from online learning: A learner’s guide (pp. 93-110). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.

Time, Task & Environment Management

I have a lot of ideas in my head, but I don’t know how to execute them; I am very busy, but there are a lot of things come to me, make me very anxious; I have a lot of things to do, but I don’t know how to plan; I have a series of plans, but I never know which one to do first; When I do something, I am always interrupted, whether it is from my own heart or someone else’s; What I’ve done, I can’t draw any good lessons…
These problems surround us almost every day, trying to trap us and hold us back from making progress. But what causes those problems?
One of the primary reasons why most of us fail to manage our time properly is that we get so caught up in a dizzying array of methodologies. One big downside is that we mistake reading a book to improve our self-control or downloading the latest time management APP for improving our time management skills. In fact, all the above is just a set of theories and a tool, reading or downloading is a psychological placebo, without the support of the action, everything is useless. Another disadvantage is that it makes us think that time management in college is easy. No, managing time is ultimately against human instinct. From the days when humans hid from wild animals in the jungle to hunt for food, it’s written into our genes to avoid harm and gain as much fat as possible, to avoid pain and responsibility. Those methodologies will be seen as shortcuts, and we will mistakenly believe that it is easy to change ourselves. We will also lose confidence when we encounter failures and mistakenly believe that there is something wrong with the method so that we will be trapped in the endless cycle of searching for the method but unable to practice it in the end.
The first way to overcome these time-management problems is to shift your focus from methodology to action. Overcome anxiety by sticking to one small thing, starting with your own hand, and planning your own schedule. Categorize your tasks, what you can do right away, what you can’t do right away, write them down and start from the front of your eyes. As the Jidelim Law says, when you list things out on paper, you’re halfway done.
The second is to recognize the difficulties of change and their own shortcomings, tolerance to treat yourself. When the time you can’t perform, don’t think it’s because you’re incompetent. Instead, tell yourself that it’s not that simple. Don’t give up. We can manage our time more efficiently as long as we find out what works for us.
Third, to be good at creating or finding a suitable learning environment, a good learning environment can greatly improve the degree of concentration in learning.

Goal Setting & Motivation Regulation

Professional self is a very strange words to me, and for me now, Professional self is to plan for my future, set a goal model that I want to become then establish milestones for my future career and set one stage after another all the way to the final goal. However, it is not easy to be the person I want to be, the future seemed so close, but still a world away.
First of all, I need to measure who I ideally want to be, from now on, I want to be an irresistible candidate to employers for an investment company while after I get Master’s degree in marketing. The motivations for me would be that I can accumulate more experience and be able to keep learning new things, lay a good foundation for my future. The challenge for would-be that all my social experience is too little, my knowledge has not been put into practice, and I may not be so outstanding for a company.
Secondary, To achieve the goal I have I need to develop specific skills that companies need in their employees. But first I need to overcome the challenges, I need to find more internships, accumulate more experience, study hard, establish a precise timetable and specify what should be accomplished in each stage. My learning goal irecentally is to get A good grade in every class. To do that I need to improve my essential attributes such as project management and focus, agility.
Finally, I need to maintain motivation to achieve my goal, before I took this class, I was a person who put everything off until the last minute. Based on my responses to the week 2s’ Self-Assessment, my perceptions of myself as a learner is quite different, I think it’s because In my mind I don’t really want to keep putting off thing, infact I want to get things done quickly and efficiently. So I will set up a complete and efficient schedule, anticipate my weekly tasks in advance, and stick to it.This will help me study better and achieve my goal step by step.

Learning Online

In our life, face-to-face learning has been the standard for centuries, and it’s readily recognized as the “real” way of learning. Because it has interaction that occurs in person, it means that we need to be physically present in a classroom at a specific time and data. and we could interact with the instructor and the other students. But now we have E-learning classes which actually has more advantages, the best features of online learning for me is the freedom, which means I could use fragmented time to learn, manage my time more effective, and it also can reduce travel time and costs which really benefit us compare to the face to face classes. I have taken online courses on food science, And I think one of the most challenging aspects of online courses is that it requires more self-discipline, Since the flexibility of online education, we can easily fit it into our schedule, we need to manage the time for online learning ourselves but it doesn’t mean online learning requires less time than traditional education, online students may actually dedicate more time to online courses due to the high expectation for participation.
Online learning also provides a lot of online resources and technologies, for me, the most useful resource is Program Advising, the program advising is of great help to my academics, it helped me plan my course schedules and adjust my career planning, also can consult a lot information about our degree audit.
After all, be a successful online student is the goal for this course, I think staying motivated (Littlefield, J, 2019) is the key elements to success in this course, I hope I can continuously motivated and find the best suitable online learning method for me, that’s my sign of success in this course.