
Global Awareness: I will continue to have an appreciation for the world, diversity, and culture around me. I will take classes that teach me of different histories and traditions, and I will study abroad. As an international studies major, Global Awareness is of upmost importance to me. I will strive to learn about the world around me, and continue to be a global citizen.

Original Inquiry: I will continue challenging myself in the courses I take, and I will strive to learn new things of my interests through research and my studies.

Academic Enrichment: I will participate in engaging classes and give each class my all in order to learn as much as I can, and invest myself areas of study that interest me.

Leadership Development: I will continue bettering my leadership skills through the Mount Leadership Society, BuckeyeThon, The Ohio Leadership Institute, etc. I will always aspire to inspire those around me, and allow those I surround myself with to feel comfortable and relaxed with me.

Service Engagement: Through the organizations in which I am involved, I will continue volunteering and serving those around me; bettering the community and myself in doing so.